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Locate any Fire & Flood Remediation company (find them in the phone book). You want to rent an industrial Ionizer for 24 hours, explain what you are trying to do, they will understand. Generally this placed inside the car with the windows up for 24 hours running on full will remove the odor. The smell is the decomposing fat that has leached onto fabric and upholstery. The heavy generation of Ozone by the Ionizer will kill the odor in good order. Since we have to be very careful about providing links to websites that offer products for sale, I'm going to suggest that you search for 'corpse' or 'cadaver' odor control/removal products. You might have a janitorial or cleaning supply business near you that can help. Some hardware stores carry heavy-duty cleaners that you could check out like Febreeze. A car detailing shop might have some answers. Other businesses that might be able to give you good advice would be hospitals, morgues, mortuaries and even veterinarians. If there's a main source of the smell (say, where you left it), use heavy duty cleaners on it. If it soaked into the carpet, that might have to be removed. Also, products for neutralizing animal mess odors might help.

Since baking soda removes smelly odors from the refrigerator, I'd try a box or two in the car. Also sprinkle it where ever the meat was, have it absorb the smells and then sweep it up and throw away. Keep the windows open for as long as possible to air the car out. bleach and air freshener vinegar vapor works as well Yes vinegar in a large bowl. At least a full gallon in large open bowl left in car for around 3 or 4 days with windows rolled up. Forget cleaners unless some fluid from the rotting flesh has soaked into carpet, etc. In that case vinegar and baking soda combined will help remove the smell. I've heard it works very well from someone who details cars. Forget air freshers. They only cover up odors and most of them smell as bad as rotten meat to me.

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Q: I left a raw package of meat in car for three days how do i get rid of the dead body smell?
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