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It was Alexander Hamilton who urged Congress to pass a protective tariff to encourage the growth of manufacturing. Alexander Hamilton was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States.

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Q: I like some time into it first Congress to pass a protective tariff to encourage the growth?
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Alexander Hamilton the urged Congress to pass a protective tariff to encourage the growth of?

Alexander Hamilton urged Congress to pass a protective tariff to encourage the growth of industrialization. Alexander Hamilton was the Chief of Staff to the first President of the United States, George Washington.

How did protective tariff encourage the growth of American businesses in the late 1800?

Tariffs increased the cost of foreign goods,,.. novanet!!

Why did protectionists in congress want a protective tariff law?

history is stupid

What is the protective tariff of 1816?

The protective Tariff of 1816 is also known as the Dallas Tariff. It is noteworthy because it marks the first time that congress passed a tariff to protect American manufacturers instead of just to raise money.

How did the protective tariffs help American industry after the war of 1812?

The tariff was a protective tariff passed by the congress of the united states designed to protect industry in the northern united states. (:

What is a tax placed on goods from another country to protect the home industry?

protective tariff

What was the high tariff to limit foreign competition?

A high tariff to limit foreign competition is called a protective tariff.

How successful was Hamilton's in persuading Congress to adopt his plan for a protective tariff based on his report on manufacturers?

He was not successful at all. He failed.

How might a country react to another country's protective tariff?

Sometimes a country suffering from a protective tariff will enact a tariff of its own on a product.

What was the nickname that southerns gave to a protective tariff they opposed?

Tariff of abominations

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The purpose of a protective tariff?
