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I live in South Korea, but I got a parking ticket from Hawaii. I gave them my home address and my card information details via mail. But I got a letter back at my Korean home from the court saying that I haven't paid for the parking ticket, therefore I have not paid the fee so I need to pay a larger fee. I am 100% sure that I have sent my credit card information before the 21 days were over (way before that, in fact). I do not know

A) Why they are requesting more money from me when I have really given them all the information they need to take out the money a long time ago

B) Why they couldn't take out money from the card

C) If I am now not able to enter the US or be sentenced to jail or go to court?

I am actually scared of this ticket. The many years I've lived in California, I have never gotten any ticket. But now after I move back, I get my first ticket in the US whilst visiting Hawaii.

Any ideas on what happened with the payment details?

PS. I know for sure they got the envelope I sent with the card information because I included a paper with the ticket citation information (white) and that was sent back to me.

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Q: I live in Asia but I got a parking ticket in HI while traveling I gave PD my credit card info but transaction didn't get through so HI Court is asking for more money Help?
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