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  • Please just put down a short form of your question and it will be answered. I have taken your email address off your question as it is not wise to leave your email for many people to see. If your boyfriend has broken up with you then just say something like (Example:) 'Does it mean the relationship is over when my boyfriend and I have been arguing a lot and I know he is seeing another girl.
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Q: I need Relationship advice can anyone help me and I don't have enough room here to fit everything in?
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You give her honest relationship advice as you would want to receive it. She is old enough to where she is an adult to understand things upfront and honest.

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Anyone can if they have enough good credit. Relationship to you has no bearing.

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Don't worry too much about whether you love her or not. Just enjoy the moment. If you love her, you will realize it soon enough. Or if you're bent on finding advice, try

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Sometimes its a no because there is no range in the relationship It is better to have something in common, but not everything. You want to have enough differences to have something to talk about and so talking to them doesn't get boring. Opposites attract!

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LOVE IS EVERY THING IN A RELATIONSHIP IF THE PERSON YOUR WITH DONT BELIVE IN LOVE THERE NOT GOOD FOR NOTHING AND YOUR RELATIONSHIP WILL GO NO WERE. Answer If the love is great enough it can overcome many obstacles. Love IS EVERYTHING in a relationship because without it the relationship cannot flourish and be everlasting.

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Anyone can read proverbs. Proverbs are short, traditional sayings that offer advice or wisdom about life, often passed down through generations. They are widely known and can be found in various cultures and languages.

Should you hook up at age 12 or 13?

well, if you are mature enough. if you think you are mature enough for a relationship, go ahead. just make sure your parents know and that they can take you to the movies and everything! just be sure that your parents understand and that they know about your relationship, because if they find out, they can get mad at you for lying, but if you tell them, they with it ( probably )

How do you have a better relationship?

If you want a better relationship with anyone then listening and communicating in a respecful and productive manner is the key. You must respect the other person and they must respect you. There must be trust and you have to talk to each other about things that effect your relationship. If you keep everything to yourself it leads to resentment and anger...if you do not listen enough then the other person will grow resentments and anger. You have to be loving toward each other, care about each other's needs and feelings as well as play and work well together.

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You should have a relationship of trust with a client. However, you should not try to develop a close, personal relationship because that is overstepping the bounds. A client should trust you to give good advice and to be honest with them. You, on the other hand, should be distant enough to be objective about the client's problems.

When is enough enough in a relationship?

When you are no longer happily struggling together.

Can anyone teach me about cars?

The best way to learn about cars is to take some glasses and read a lot of books. No one person will possess enough information to teach you everything.

Well girls are very beautiful especially the ones you love but why just WHY when you fight so hard to get a girl you love she always happens to be bothering you in a relationship how does this come up?

Contemplate the following... To experience a meaningful relationship you and your partner must be caring enough to give love, open enough to receive love and wise enough to appreciate love. Everything else is just learning for both of you so don't be so serious and try not to be a jerk.