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Your first step would be to find you local unemploymant office, they will be able to assist you in filing a claim for unemployment benefits.

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Q: I need to file for unemployment because i got fired from my job.?
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What steps do I need to take in order to file for unemployment?

You need to locate your local state benefits office to make the arrangements and they will guide you through the details. Some states have the sign up information on their website so you may want to search for it first. To file for unemployment you need to contact your local State Unemployment Agency. Fill out the paperwork, and provide proof that you was laid off, and not fired.

In Minnesota if you were qualified and receiving partial unemployment and then get fired do you lose your eligibility?

It depends on the circumstances. You will need to speak with your unemployment representative to get the specifics related to your situation.

If you live in New York but work in Pennsylvania in which state do you file for unemployment?

Under the Interstate Unemployment Agreement provisions you could file in either, but preferably in New York since it is the "liable state" which collected the unemployment taxes from your employer.

What if you already filed and you forgot to claim unemployment?

You will need to file an amended form.


When filing an unemployment claim,you will need indentification including your social security number and details for your last 3 employers

How do i file for unemployment like an acctual application on line or can i have directions to the earest unemployment office I live in Oakdale Louisianna 71463. Please respond back.?

You can file for unemployment online at The website explains all the requirements for eligibility. Be sure you have access to a printer because you will need copies of the application for future reference.

Do you have to file if you collected unemployment benefits?

Anytime that you need unemployment benefits you have to refile. When you refile you will be advised if you are eligible for benefits. Sometimes you will reopen an existing claim if it is within the same base period that you were collecting in previously, in which case your unemployment amount will remain the same. However, if you have exhausted your previous benefits and not eligible to open an extension, then the unemployment office will use the new base period, and based on the work that you have completed, you may or may not qualify. File asap, because many states will not allow you to backdate your unemployment to when you first became unemployed. You can always file, but you may not qualify.

If you are fired under what conditions can you collect unemployment?

You may qualify for unemployment benefits if you were fired through no fault of your own, such as not having the skills to do the job. You may not qualify if you were fired for misconduct or gross misconduct.

Do you get a w2 if you collected unemployment in 2008?

You don't get a W2, but you will get a 1099 and it's kind of like a W2. You need this to file your taxes because it is a taxable source of income.

How do you file for unemployment from Swift Transportation Co Inc?

You go to your state's unemployment office, tell them what you need to do, and they pretty much get your needed paperwork and guide you from there.

If you have an ill family member and have to relocate to care for them how do you file for unemployment?

Generally, you can't draw unemployment if you quit a job. Your employer has to lay you off or terminate you. <><> However, some states do make provisions for family emergencies, but you have to check with your own state for clarification <><> They expect you to be looking for work - taking care of an ill relative isn't a good excuse because you wouldn't be looking for a job. You need to file for unemployment in the city you move to. They will file the claim for you.

How long do you have to file unemployment in Ohio after termination?

File as soon as possible, there is no 'back pay' so if you need a ck get to filing. Not sure of the cut off.