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Try to be good friends, have convos, and flirt a little. See how he responds.

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Q: I really like my uncle's best friend and i dont no what to do because i don't know if he even like's me?
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listen to your friends because they would not lie to you

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it really depends who he likes, plus if your a really good friend and he likes her you should understand, but if he likes you then if shes a real friend she should understand, trust me don't reuin your friendship over a boy especially if he doesn't like you, it's not worth.

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Ask if you like him for him, or like him because your best friend likes him - then either ask him out, or do not.

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the guy who likes u as a friend is lying he really likes if not he will and the the one who secretly likes u like him to

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have a friend ask him for you if he really likes you...or you could flirt with him and see if he flirts back.

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if she is your girl friend then she really likes you. check if she doesn't like to eat around you, if she doesn't then she really really likes you. if you are not dating her then she prob likes you but not to be stalkish but see if she is really talkative around ugly guys or her Friend's.

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Ask him if he likes your friend and if he doesn't, then you ask him out or something like that, but if he does, hook them up and be happy that they are happy.