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If he has a girlfriend you should keep your feelings to yourself. I might cause a lot of problems.

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Q: I really like this guy I've known him for ages but he is a year yonger my friends says he likes me to but he has a gf should i tell him and risk losing our friendship not that i think h'll h8 me 4 it?
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You don't "have to" anything-- there are no laws about friendship. But generally, it's about the Golden Rule-- treat other people like you want them to treat you. Especially your friends, because that's part of what friendship means. If you care about a person, you should be good to them in every way you can, and they should do the same for you. Otherwise, it's not really a friendship.

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Never ever leave a friendship for some girl. No matter how "amazing" she is. It is wrong and it will only hurt you. Sure, you really like this girl and such, but a friendship is much MUCH more valuable. Always keep your friends with you.

Does Phineas and Ferb show good friendship?

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