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What you are describing are also signs of premenstrual syndrome but they are also symptoms of early pregnancy. Some women do get abdominal pains below their belly button during their first trimester due to the body adjusting to the changes going on in the body in order to accommodate a life in your uterus, painful boobs happen due to the mammary glands starting to produce milk and the light cramping (well known as spotting in pregnancy) also happens to a few women in early pregnancy as well which varies with individuals

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Q: I started having belly button pain 2 days after possible conception as well as light cramping earlier than norm. My bbs are sore but that's norm pms for me to. Could the pains be early pregnancy signs?
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Are there any changes in the inner and vaginal area in the earlier stages of pregnancy such as one week after conception?

When one is pregnant, one of the possible signs is a change in coloring to blue in this area.

I had an ultrasound at 6wks that put my edd at nov 30th putting my ecd at march 9th Two urine tests came up positive on mar 20th Is it possible for the conception date to be earlier and if so how much?

It is possible with modern pregnancy tests to have them come up positive 11 days after conception. You may have conceived a couple of days earlier scans may be out by that much.

I started having belly button pain 2 days after possible conception as well as light cramping earlier than norm. My bbs are sore but thats norm pms for me to. Could the pains be early pregnancy signs?

What you are describing are also signs of premenstrual syndrome but they are also symptoms of early pregnancy. Some women do get abdominal pains below their belly button during their first trimester due to the body adjusting to the changes going on in the body in order to accommodate a life in your uterus, painful boobs happen due to the mammary glands starting to produce milk and the light cramping (well known as spotting in pregnancy) also happens to a few women in early pregnancy as well which varies with individuals.

Is it possible to be pregnant and have a period one month but miss the next month?

Yes, I am a living example of that I had the period that would be considered my first month into pregnancy already had found out i was pregnant it was the second one and so on that i did not get. If you think you're pregnant go see a doctor or take a home test.

Is the EDD given to you on your scan date from your LMP or by the date of conception?

EDD is ESTIMATED. If done by scan is 38 weeks from conception. An EDD is based on the LMP (last menstrual period) and not the date of conception. The ultrasound measurements are comparing the baby to the expected size of other babies at the same gestational age. The earlier the ultrasound is done in the pregnancy, the more accurate it will be. Hope this helps! Dr. B.

You have cramping and a light spot but you took a test but could you have took it to earlier for the Hormone to show up because you took it before your period?

It's best to perform a pregnancy test 3 weeks after you last had intercourse. This way it will be accurate.

If the baby is born in may What is the earliest day of conception?

9 months earlier

If your period is 10 days late but 10 urine tests all came back negative is pregnancy still possible?

Yes, because blood tests detect pregnancy earlier than urine tests do.

How long does it take for symptoms of pregnancy to occur?

Every ones body responds to pregnancy differently. For me, as soon as i get pregnant (about 3 weeks along) i cant eat certain things that i used to, my breast gets really full, and morning sickness.

Are cramps an early sign of pregnancy?

Yes, cramping *without bleeding* can be an early sign of pregnancy. Below, several women tell their personal experience with cramping and pregnancy:Cramping can be a sign of implantation, which occurs very early in pregnancy. Also, your uterus gets crampy as things start growing! If your period is late, it's time to test.Yes, cramping can be a normal sign of pregnancy. I asked my doctor about it and he said it is the body's way of preparing for the baby.It could be. I was sure I would get my period since I was cramping a lot, but all the cramping was because my uterus was preparing for the baby.I'm about 6 weeks pregnant with my second child and have just started experiencing some cramping that seems to come and go, but no bleeding whatsoever. My doctor says cramping in early pregnancy (unless accompanied by other symptoms like bleeding, fever, etc.) is completely normal.I am six weeks pregnant. I have been having period like cramping for the last 2 weeks. I thought I was going to have my period, but instead I found out that I am pregnant. Don't worry unless the cramping is accompanied by bleeding.Last month on cycle day 27, I took a pregnancy test and it was a very faint positive. Then several tests after that one were negative. Then I began to feel cramps like my period was coming, only lighter in intensity and of less duration, but my period didn't come until 2 weeks later and was heavy with clots. My doctor said that I had a chemical pregnancy - which is basically an early miscarriage, happens in up to 50% of pregnancies, most women don't even know they were pregnant. So while cramping could be a sign of pregnancy, it can also be a sign of your menstrual cycles following an early miscarriage.I am in my first-trimester and cramping as we speak. For about 2 weeks before AF was due, I was experiencing abdominal cramps and discomfort. I think I ran to the bathroom tampon in hand for a week. My normally regular period never showed. I took a EPT and to my excitement, these cramps are just my little one making room.I had cramping as if my period was going to start for a week. I was due for a period on May 3. I decided to take a pregnancy test on April 30th and to my surprise it was positive. So cramping could be a sign of pregnancy.It seems that cramping in a lot of cases is normal but in my case it wasn't. Both times I have been pregnant I had cramping similar to my period. I took HPT that came out positive but when I went to the doctor my bloodwork was not normal and I had miscarriages both times around weeks 7-8. So while cramping can be perfectly normal, sometimes it isn't. Go to the doctor and have them do a blood test so you can have peace of mind.I have a four year old and with my pregnancy with him I had pretty severe cramping from about the week before I found out I was pregnant until I was about 6-8 weeks pregnant and everything was perfectly normal. So try not to stress about it too bad. I worried myself sick and everything was fine.Go to your doctor and get a blood test to make sure everything is perfectly fine, but cramping is probably just your body making room for your child.I had bad cramping with this pregnancy (my second, first was a miscarriage) until I was almost 10 weeks. My OBGYN said he never worries about cramping unless you are also having spotting and/or bleeding. He said in most cases cramping is a very normal sign of pregnancy. I am now 15 weeks pregnant and everything is fine.I just found out I was pregnant today. I was expecting my period 2 weeks ago. I had period-like cramps and the whole time and I had a pad on but nothing. So today my husband and I decided to get a home pregnancy test and it came out positive. So cramps but no bleeding is perfectly fine.Yes - it certainly does. I thought I was getting my period, cramping and lower back ache for a few days. Just done a test and it's positive!I told my husband for over a week that I would be starting my period that day because I was having cramping just like I would for my periods, now my pregnancy test is positive, with the cramping! Who would have thought that cramping could be a good thing?

Do you start to show pregnancy earlier if you are over the age of 35 and this is not your first?

No there is no heard and fast rule where your age and pregnancy are concerned.

What does it mean if you skipped your sugar pills so as not to get your period and now you are two weeks into your active pills and you have cramping and spotting and when will it go away?

Sometimes skipping the sugar pills can result in a earlier period which could be why you're cramping. After your period arrives the cramping should receed. Meanwhile don't miss anymore pills.