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I am not trying to be inappropriate but the BEST way to heal anything faster is steroids. I am not a user and advise against it, but from my research steroids does wonders for the healing process, this is one reason why so many athletes are users. They want to be back on the field as soon as possible for a chance at the ring. But they are illegal and have horrific side effects. Maybe a visit to your MD for some sort of cream would be best.

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Q: I still have a bright pink spot where the 2 cold sores once were underneath my lip. How can you heal skin faster after an outbreak of a cold sore?
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Individuals with this sexually transmitted disease suffer from an outbreak of blisters and ulcers (sores) followed by another outbreak in weeks or months.?

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What does lysine do to the herpes simplex virus?

Since the virus can cause cold sores, canker sores , and genital sores, L-lysine supplements increase the ratio of lysine to arginine in the body, curing the outbreak of the virus.

How can cold sores and fever blisters spread to others?

Herpes lesions like cold sores are spread to others by skin-to-skin contact with the affected area. The infection is contagious during and just before an outbreak.

Can you spread herpes most likely with piercings in the lip and nose area?

Only if you are going through an outbreak, this is when the sores are discharging and can infect others by contact.

Can cold sores be passed with no outbreak?

It's possible but cold sores are not as likely to be passed on in between break outs. They could be passed if a break out is just starting or healing over. While there are no signs or symptoms of a cold sore it's not likely to be passed.

Can goji berries help cure cold sores?

No hun, nothing can cure cold sores. Over the counter cold sore creams or lysine can help heal them faster.

Are cold sores only found outside of the mouth?

Cold sores appear as a cluster of small blisters usually on the lips or around the mouth, especially the corners, and occasionally inside the nose. Approximately 20-40% of people will suffer a recurrent outbreak

When can a person get infected only when the person have a cold sore or always?

The herpes virus is contagious when cold sores are present, as well as during the time just before the outbreak occurs. Some patients get signs like numbness and tingling just before an outbreak. This prodrome tells you that the virus is active.

Does carmax work for cold sores?

Carmex can help sooth the symptoms but it won't do much to help heal the sore faster.

Do both people get a cold sores on their lips from kissing?

If you have mouth to mouth contact with a person who has an active outbreak (a cold sore) you may contract it as well. Cold sores are caused by Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and 2 (HSV-1 and HSV-2). It is important to note that HSV sores can be spread by contact to other parts of the body. Currently, while there are treatments available, there is no known cure for HSV.

What is bright red vaginal bleeding with tissue and odor?

I would go to the doctor instead of asking people online. If there are sores then it could be anything from herpes to syphilis.