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The only possible thing I can think of is maybe the home test was defective in some way. It's not unusual for a home pregnancy test to show a false positive, so one could only assume the home drug test could do the same. I would buy another one and try again... If it comes up positive and you are 100% sure you haven't smoked or ingested it in anyway, go to a drug test facility to have it sent to a lab for analyzing.

After googling a couple of things, I've come across several meds that may cause a false positive in a drug screen so it is possible that is what has happened in your case... So again I suggest getting a lab to analyze a sample to get true results and also mention to the lab tech. exactly what meds you are on.

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There are two thoughts:

My strongest thought is the Clonidine is At Fault. It's a relatively new drug so we don't have a lot of information on it, but there's always the possibility.

The other is, do you sometimes take Advil for aches and pains? Or Aleve? Both ibuprofen (Advil) and naproxen (Aleve) show up as pot on a drug test.

Well, three: home drug tests aren't known for their stellar accuracy.

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Q: I take Concerta and Clonidine for ADHD and I have never in my life smoked used or been around people while they used marijuana in my entire life and our home marijuana test said positive. Help?
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How can a person come up positive for marijuana and not be a marijuana smoker?

this can happen from being around people who smoke it, and inhaling the second hand smoke.

Can you test positive for marijuana by being around it?

Yes, just like tobacco there is second hand smoke that is taken in by the non smoker and if tested they would show positive.

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Can breathing in marijuana smoke give a positive UA?

Most likely not, but you probably still shouldn't risk being around the smoke if you have to worry about drug testing.

Can you test positive for marijuana with a hair follicle by contact marijuana?

Yes. There's a chance and its much more likely than a failing urine screen by second-hand inhalation. It really depends on the time. The time your around it and the time its been since you were around it. Don't risk the little freedom you got on it.

Will you fail a urine test being around second marijuana?

Not unless you were around first marijuana too.

How would marijuana show up in someones system if they havent smoked in 40 days will other meds taken interfer?

If THC has shown up, they either smoked it or was around others who smoked it. Other drugs do not make the tests come back positive for marijuana.

How can you test positive for marijuana when you dont use it?

The test could have created a false positive, which is known to happen a little less than 2% of the time.

What if a person around you has marijuana?

Than a person around you is in possession of it...?

Street value for marijuana in Ohio?

for medium grade marijuana it is around 15$ for and eighth of an ounce

Can second hand meth smoke make you test positive?

If you breathe in a lot of it then yes you can test positive but the count would be low. Same with marijuana or anything else that can be smoked. Kinda like cigarettes, when you're around cigarettes you inhale second hand smoke and that effects you too.

What is it when your around someone in possession of marijuana?

Nothing at all. There is absolutely nothing you can be charged with for being with someone in possession of marijuana.