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A full grown miniature schnauzer should weigh between 14 and 20 pounds. Perhaps your dog is a standard schnauzer, not a miniature. Miniatures should grow to be about a foot tall; standards, about a foot and a half. Is your puppy real tall or just overweight?

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Q: I think my miniature schnauzer is too big to be a miniature He's 6 months old and already weighs 20 lbs Any thoughts?
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What is the age limit to dock a miniature schnauzer?

18 months

How old is the oldest living miniature schnauzer?

My mams mini Schnauzer outlived her. Hes with my brother now and turned 18 yesterday. We are able to verify this

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You need 10,000. It took me about four to five months.

What if your toy schnauzer weighs 8 pounds at 4 months how much bigger will he get?

There really isn't such thing as a "toy" schnauzer. They are just really small miniature Schnauzers. If they are 6 months old and weighs 6 pounds, she will gain weight. The only thing that will stop growing is her height. She should stop growing height wise around 1 year of age. She will always gain or lose weight. By full grown, she should weigh at least 10 pounds.

What weight should a miniature schnauzer be?

A Miniature Schnauzer should weigh about 11 to 20 pounds when it gets mature. Make sure that this breed gets proper diet, training, grooming..etc to be in good shape. Here's more information about it,

Is it ok for your miniature schnauzer to be pregnant at 9mos old?

yes after six months it is okay but it is unusual so take it to a vet and let him check it out and moniter it carefully i hope it goes well

How often do miniature schnauzers go in heat?

Every 6 months with a heat cycle lasting 3 weeks.

How old will a miniature schnauzer be before she starts her period?

Maybe like 3 months old. They start it all the time and its not called a period, its called 'in heat'. A female dog can start their in heat at any time.

How long for first heat cycle in miniature schnauzer?

They start around 6-8 months of age and a heat lasts 3 weeks. Their heat cycle doesnt run every month like a humans, but every 6 months. (Lucky little things)

How old is a miniature schnauzer when it is fully grown?

He/she would most likely be about 10-12 inches tall (may vary) and weigh between10-18 pounds. They may have a lot or a little fur (depending on whether they have been groomed as a puppy). Their hair should be soft, and not knotted or matted. They are ery cute little dogs.

Is a mini schnauzer full grown at 6 months?

no your schnauzer should be about a year old when it reaches its full growth

What care does a 3 month miniature schnauzer need?

Lots of care and love. Make sure he/she is fed well, but not too much. Make it feel comfortable in your home. After all, he's/she's only been on this planet for 3 months.