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No, you shouldn't.

When we consider lethality in overdoses, we talk about something called LD50 -- what dosage is required to kill 50% of the test cases. This gives a good idea of a lethality threshold -- the minimum amount expected to kill.

In rats, which are metabolically similar to humans, the LD50 for sertraline (Zoloft) is 1327mg/kg. Assuming you weight 110lbs or 50k, this means you'd need an oral dose of over 6.6 grams! Considering that the starting recommended dosage of this medication begins at 50mg, this is a lot more than you'd find prescribed for one full month. Even at maximum recommended dosage (200mg per day), it's hard to reach toxic conditions.

And when you think about it, giving a more lethal antidepressant to depressed people in dangerous quantity is probably not the best idea, is it? :}

I must consider the possibility that you're discussing a suicide attempt. And in that case, I need to warn you about what you're considering. In the 1960's, quite a few prescribed medications were potentially quite lethal. Not so any more. Very few prescription medications are lethal in anything like a reasonable quantity. In fact, it's very hard to kill yourself this way. However, you can do yourself some harm.

Most toxic suicide attempts fail. And when they fail, they do so in truly unpleasant ways, if there's any effect at all. Most medications you're likely to take in dangerous doses stand a high chance of causing truly violent vomiting. This is deeply unpleasant, can cause you some lasting and painful damage, is humiliating, but isn't often lethal.

With worse luck, some of the more dangerous medications won't kill you, but may permanently damage your liver, kidney, heart or brain. This means a life in which you'll be deeply encumbered, often in pain, and in a worse situation than you're in now.

And it's not just medication. There really are no surefire and painless suicide methods. They all have problems; most of them aren't deadly as often as you'd expect them to be.

So, if suicide was your intention, may I suggest with all due kindness that, considering the terrible things that can go wrong in a suicide attempt, that you seriously consider counselling instead?

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Q: I took 750 mg of Zoloft shouldn't I be dead or in the hospital?
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