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Many, if not most, dreams reflect the nightly sifting of thoughts, feelings and experiences performed by the subconscious mind while the conscious (waking) mind rests in sleep. Random, meaningless dreams merely reflect this process and are usually forgotten upon awakening.

> Other dreams that seem very weird can have significant meanings that pertain to the dreamer's deep longings or fears. Dreams of monsters or fearful events can be metaphors of things feared in real life. Chase dreams suggest that the dreamer is avoiding (running from) a problem, while happy romantic dreams - such as kissing a celebrity - generally represent wish fulfillment. See the attached link below for further examples and discussion.

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Q: I usually don't dream or I don't remember my dreams but every once in a while I have a weird mixed up dream that makes no sense what does it mean?
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When you are put to sleep can you dream?

You can't make yourself dream, but you do dream every night. 30% of your sleep is dreaming, that's why you can't usually remember your dreams.

Do people have dreams everyday?

People do dream every night. The reason there is debate about this is because people do not always remember their dreams.

What happens when someone does not dream while they sleep?

Everybody dreams every night when they sleep. But you do not remember every dream and some people don't remember any of them...Everything will be just fine

What is the difference between people who dream every night and people who don't dream at all?

It's not possible to not dream at night because everybody dreams. Probably if you don't remember your dreams, you'll think you're not dreaming. So basically, everybody dreams every night!

When I was about 8 I began to lucid dream shortly afterwards I began to be unable to remember any of dreams is there a connection?

no you have dreams every night and not everyone remembers them

Why don't i have dreams some nights?

Although it seems odd, you do dream every night. It only seems that you don't dream when you do not remember your dreams. This can be a good thing, because it indicates that you are sleeping soundly.

Why don't you dream?

It is actually believed that people dream almost every time they sleep. Though it may seem like you have not dreamed, it is simply that you do not remember your dreams. However, you can train yourself to better recall your dreams.

How much of your dream do you remember when we wake up?

There is no single answer to this question. Most dreams are not remembered at all, unless one awakens while the dream is occurring or immediately after the dream ends. Some dreams are intense and vividly detailed while others are misty and vague. Some individuals cannot remember dreams at all, while others recall several dreams from every period of sleep. There is no rule.

Why do you have dreams and sometimes you don't?

Dreams occur during the REM stage of sleep, which happens multiple times throughout the night. Factors such as sleep quality, stress levels, and sleep patterns can influence whether you remember your dreams or not. If you don't remember a dream, it doesn't necessarily mean you didn't have one.

Do you dream every night?

There's a lot of saying that everyone dream at night, whether or not, they remember the details of it is another story. I, for one, remember pieces of my dream every single day for the past 3 or 4 months. I think it may have to do with your mental and physical well-being. Try your best to not to be stressed out and maintain a healthy lifestyle. That way, you may remember your dream. cause they think they are going to dream abought there gril friend or boyfriend in the hot tube together

How do you have happy dreams?

Sorry, there is no way to have "better dreams". If you have problems dreaming it is probably because you do not remember the dreams you had that night. I usually dream every night but when my exams week came at school I didn't dream at all. From personal experience, I can say that stress affects the ability to remember dreams because it throws your chakras outta wack. We dream during REM-rapid eye movement sleep and most dreams we have are forgotten altogether. Personally, I would advise you get a dream-catcher. For some reason those things give me really strange dreams.

Does everyone dream while they're sleeping?

Everyone dreams while they are sleeping but not everybody remembers it, so if people tell you they don't have dreams, they are i not mistaken........ i kno i not dreamYes, but not everyone remembers them when they wake up.It is possible to have REM sleep with no dreaming. I just had a sleep study, and it was confirmed that I was not dreaming during the REM phase of sleep. According to the technician, in order to remember a dream, one must wake up during or just after the dream. Otherwise it is not remembered. However, it is wrong to assume that everyone dreams and just do not remember the dreams. Some people do not dream very often.Humans dream every 1/2 hour and seldom remember most of them and that's because they are in total REM sleep (meaning a deep sleep with eyes moving back and forth under closed eyelids.) When a person is stressed out they are not in total REM sleep (tossing/turning) and it's the last few seconds just before waking that an individual can remember a dream or nightmares. Nightmares are caused from stress. If a human didn't dream they actually would go crazy. Dreaming releases tension in the body and mind.Yes, everyone does dream. Normally, people don't remember their dreams. When you decide you want to sleep, you fall into a daydream, that is where you dream a nightmare or a more pleasant dream. You then fall into a deep sleep, this is where most people forget their dreams.Yes, everyone of every age dreams at night. Dreams often occur in the rem stage of sleep, which is often the last 15-30 minutes of the sleep cycle, Even though one may not recall or remember what they were dreaming about, the brain is still working and dreams still occur.Everyone does not dream every night. I sleep, but only few nights I dream. Thank God that I remember everything! and some dreams too when I see dreams. We do not see dreams every night because "Dreams are not the things we see while we are sleeping, It is a thing that does not let us sleep". You would have observed that when you do not see dream, when you wake-up you are Fresh! but when you dream, you feel like sleeping again and feel lazy. Its just that "We do not dream every time we sleep"