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If you are making a payment, whoever you are making the payment to holds a lien on the vehicle, unless the vehicle was purchased on an unsecure note (not likely). Some states will issue you a title even though there is a lien holder on the title, some require that the lien holder holds the title until the not is paid in full. Look at the title, itf the lien holder section is filled out, that is who holds the lien, they can have the car repoed.

there is no lien holder on the title it is clear the car lot is in the sellers area

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Q: I ve a clear title to my vehicle with no liens can the dealer legally repo this car?
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Can a car have a clear title with a lien on it as well.?

No! "clear" means clear! No liens!

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If you no longer owe on the car and own it free and clear then it's your choice. You can pick it from the towing company or not. After a period of time, the towing company will place a lien on the vehicle and take ownership. If you still owe money on the car then you have a contractual responsibility to protect the vehicle from liens and you will still be responsible to pay what you owe to the finance company.

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Not without paying off any liens or loans. The estate is responsible for resolving such issues and determining what the proper resolution is for the vehicle and the associated loans.

Can I trade in my car in another state?

Yes, if you have a clear title with no liens on it.

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If there are no liens against your vehicle, there is nobody who has (or to have) ground to repossess it.

What does clear most titles mean?

No liens (or money owed to a financial institution). It's ownd out right free and clear

How do I do an auto search to find out if there are any liens on the title?

There are sites online where you can search using the vehicles VIN # to find any liens on the vehicle. You can try

What is an allodial?

An allodial is something which is held allodially - freely and clear of such obstructions as liens or mortgages.

Is a person responsible for paying liens on a house that has been foreclosed?

I believe that a lien on a property stays with the property, not with a person. The purchaser of the property will be responsible for any liens to get a clear title.

You bought property you didn't know had liens on it how do you make them pay you?

You have to track down the owners of the liens and pay them. Your local tax office or the tax office in which the property is located should be able to assist you in the location of the holders of the lien. If you bought the property with existing liens attached to it, you bought the liens too and are now responsible for them legally. Your only recourse would be to sue the previous owners for restitiuion of the cost of paying off the liens.

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Liens are found prior to the closing when the title to the real estate is examined so that the buyer can take title free and clear of any liens.Liens are found prior to the closing when the title to the real estate is examined so that the buyer can take title free and clear of any liens.Liens are found prior to the closing when the title to the real estate is examined so that the buyer can take title free and clear of any liens.Liens are found prior to the closing when the title to the real estate is examined so that the buyer can take title free and clear of any liens.

What are liens on property owner in an association?

Liens cloud the title to the condominium, meaning that the property owner owes a debt based on that property which must be paid in order to clear the title. Liens are also public record and may appear on owners' credit reports.