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hey,I usually have my period on the 9-10th every month for 5days...with cramps,not too bad. the past 3 months Ive had my period on 8-11th of each month,lasting about 2-3days spotting to this normal??

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Q: I want to know could i be pregnant if i had a cycle only for 3 days. when i last a week?
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Can you get pregnant the day after the end of your menstrual cycle?

You can get pregnant any day of your cycle. You don't know for certain when you will ovulate and sperm can live for days in the uterus after sex.

Can you be pregnant and get your period 4 days early?

It is possible that you could be pregnant, take a test to know for sure

Is it possible to know when ure 4 days pregnant?

Not really. The hormones are not high enough after 4 days. Wait to a missed cycle to take a test.

Could a 3 day menstrual cycle mean pregnancy?

A three day period is completely normal and the presence of the period should reassure you that you are not pregnant. If you have had unprotected sex and three days is not normal for you, wait a week and use a HPT to be sure you are not pregnant. You must know why menstrual cycle occurs . after waiting for sperm for 2 weeks the egg dissolve(un used) and expelled by body this will last for 3 to 7 days on average of a 28 days cycle.

How do you know you have gotten pregnant?

One way to know if you are pregnant is if you have missed your menstrual cycle.

Could you be pregnant if you just got off your period and then two days later have a really heavy period the same month and then it last for five days and the guy is sick and could you be pregnant?

The fact that your boyfriend is sick has nothing to do with the fact that you could be pregnant. The two are separate. I would say that you aren't pregnant in what you describe above. Your period actually lasted 7 or more days because it sounds as if you stopped and started again so you didn't have two periods. My guess is that you are just starting your monthly cycle and it takes time before it will settle down. You can only get pregnant if you have sex while you ovulate and that usually happens around the 14 day of a 28 day cycle. Get a calendar and keep track of your period so you will know when this happens. You are fertile for several days and sperm can live in a uterus for 5-6 days. These things you need to know. Again your boyfriend getting sick has NOTHING to do with being pregnant.

Can you tell when you 12 days pregnant?

You can google due date calculator, most of them will ask you to put in how many days long your cycle is the first day of your last cycle and it will calculate everything for you. If you are 12 days late and you ARE pregnant you are nearly six weeks.

How many days you know that your pregnant?

2 days

Your period never comes at the same time so how will you know if you've missed it or its just late?

Normal cycles are 20-35 days apart. You will know you are pregnant when you go 50-60 days with no cycle. Joymaker rn

Which day in the menstrual cycle are considered not safe?

If by 'not safe' you mean the days that a woman could get pregnant, that would be ovulation and up to a week beforehand when fertile cervical mucus is produced. Typically this would be days 7-16 however unless using fertility awareness method as birth control you can't know when the 'unsafe' days or 'safe' days are - thus unless you want to get pregnant always use contraception.

How will i know i am pregnant while i am on birth contorl?

if ur monthly cycle stop or delayed wait for some days if mensuration doesnt occur then consult a doctor

What are the chances of getting pregnant 2 days after your period Were are trying to consive I just started my period today I'm like 3-4 days early and I did have sex 4 days ago can I still get prego?

Your cycle is probably 28 days long ( give or take a few days) and in a cycle there is one week where you ovulate. This happens about day 14 in the cycle and will last to about day 18. If you have sex in this time the chances of becoming pregnant is very likely. The reason you have a period is that your body is getting rid of the lining of the uterus because there was no pregnancy, so generally, no, you can't get pregnant 2 days after a period since the needed factors aren't there for an egg. If you wish to know your fertile days use a calendar to count the days of your period. Day 1 is the first day you started your period and keep counting. It is also good to know that sperm will live in the uterus for 5-6 days, so if you had sex on day 12 you could get pregnant since the sperm would be there when you ovulate.