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Yes and please do but make sure you have the full name(if you can remember) and description ready and some evidence if possible because if there is no evidence the case may take a lot longer.

Also ensure that the abuser is still alive.

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Q: I was abused as a kid at the age of 9 I'm now 18 can I press charges on that person?
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You were convicted of petty theft what will happen?

Well if your under age (13- 18) and the dont press charges he or she will go to a program to get discharged when the program is over. Well if your under age (13- 18) and the dont press charges he or she will go to a program to get discharged when the program is over.

Can mom press charges on 35 yr old if girl is 17 in the state of Indiana?

Yes. Charges can be pressed. They legal age is 18. She is only 17.

Can you press charges at the age of fourteen and on my bus driver?

Sorry, no. As a minor, you have to be represented by someone else, usually a parent.

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Can your father press charges against your daughters boyfriend?

Yes he can, if the boyfriend has been having sexual intercourse with her and she is under the age of consent. That's assuming the father isn't having sex with her too.

Im 19 years old and my girlfriend is 16 can her mom press charges if she gets pregnant or just decided to move in with me?

yes. she has not reached her legal age. Her parents still are over her. She has to be 18. So on the other hand the mother could press charges for rape and if she would have left out of state you could be charged with kidnapping.

What is the legal age for sexual consent in the state of Ohio without parents being able to press charges?

The age of consent is 16. It is not legal to have sex if you are not at least 16.

At age sixteen and the child runs away and returns at eighteen can they have charges still pending against the child?

Criminal charges do not disappear due to the age of the person committing them. It may be past the statute of limitations, in which case the charges cannot be brought.

Can A 16 year old girls parents press charges on her 18 year old girlfriend in the state of florida?

No. The age of consent is 18 but there us a close in age exemption that says a person who is maximum 23 years old can legally have sex with a minor 16-17yo.

If a 24 yr old man gets a 16 yr old pregnant can her parents press charges even if she consented and is against the charges?

That will depend on the laws. In many places 16 is the age of consent and the parents will not be able to bring any charges. In others, they would be able to if the age of consent is higher.

Can parents press charges on a 19 year old for seeing a 16 year old in South Carolina?

No, because the legal age of consent for sex is 16. If a 15 year old, for example, was having sex with a 19 year old, then you could press charges. If the 16 year old wants no contact with the 19 year old yet that older person refuses, then you can look into a restraining order.

Can parents press charges against a 24 yr old boy when his girlfriend is 18 even though she was 17 when the parents threatened charges?

When you threatened is irrelevant. You can press charges if she was below the age of consent in your state when they had sex. The fact she is an adult now does not make the crime undone. Statutory rape charges usually have a limitation for several years if they even have one. And anyone can report statutory rape, it does not have to be the parents. They report but it's the state that press the charges so they can never be taken back. Once reported it is out of your hands.