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NO2 - nitrogen dioxide

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Q: Iam a compoundi have 2 atoms of oxygen and one atom of nitrogen name it?
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What are the atoms in n2o?

There are two nitrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.

Is a molecule of ozone contains two atoms of oxygen and one atom of nitrogen?

Ozone is three oxygen atoms.

How is the molecular formula NO different from the molecular formula N2O?

A single nitrogen atom can be chemically reactive while a nitrogen molecule is relatively stable and tends to be faf more inert. A nitrogen molecule also has twice the mass of a nitrogen atom.

How many oxygen atoms are in nitrogen?

Nitrogen monoxide has the formula NO, so each molecule of NO contains 1 oxygen atom.

What is the elements and atoms in NaNO2?

In NaNO2, the elements present are sodium (Na), nitrogen (N), and oxygen (O). The atoms in NaNO2 are one sodium atom, one nitrogen atom, and two oxygen atoms.

How many potassium atoms and how many oxygen atoms are in magnesium nitrate?

Magnesium nitrate is MgNO3 and there are one magnesium atom one nitrogen atom three oxygen atoms no potassium atoms

What has sodium nitrite in it?

1 atom of Sodium, 1 atom of Nitrogen and 2 atoms of Oxygen

What is NO3 and NO4 stand for in chemistry?

NO3 means one nitrogen atom combined with 3 oxygen atoms to produce the nitrate ion. NO4 is one nitrogen atom combined with 4 oxygen atoms.

How would Dalton describe atoms that combine to form compounds?

Dalton pictured compounds as collections of atoms. For example, nitrogen and oxygen might form a compound containing one atom of nitrogen and one atom of oxygen (written NO), a compound containing two atoms of nitrogen and one atom of oxygen (written N2O), or a compound containing one atom of nitrogen and two atoms of oxygen (written NO2)

What are the elements of sodium nitrate?

Elements of Sodium nitrate(NaNO3): Sodium = 1 atom Nitrogen = 1 atom Oxygen = 3 atoms

What kinds of atom makes up for nitrogen and carbon dioxide?

Chemical formula for nitrogen dioxide: NO2.Chemical formula for carbon dioxide: CO2.Thus, nitrogen dioxide consists of two oxygen atoms and one nitrogen atom, carbon dioxide consists of one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms.

Can an atom of oxygen be an isotope of an atom of nitrogen?

No. Nitrogen and oxygen are two different elements. The identity of an element is determined by the number of protons in the nucleus. A nitrogen atom has 7 protons while an oxygen atom has 8. Isotopes are variations of the atoms of a given element that differ in the number of neutrons in the nucleus.