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Carly's Cell Phone is a "Pear Phone" Similar to the "iPhone" Unfortunately, They do not sell the "Pear Phone" in any Retail Stores.

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What is the phone number for the iCarlys studio?

well this is Nickelodeon's number , if you want to call them and talk to them about icarly. (212) 258-7579

What is iCarlys real post code?

iCarly isn't real,its a TV show.Its filmed on a set.

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In some iCarly shows, Freddie Benson is shown texting, calling, and other things on his cell. Also, in one episode, Sam steals his phone.

On iGot Detention - iCarly how does Freddie sneek in to the Detention room on icarlys 50 webshow spectacular?

he comes in thru the window

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It depends on the boyfriend you're referring to. In iDate a Bad Boy, he is a homicidal maniac. In iSpeed Date, he is really a girl.

Is there going to be any more new icarlys from today?

yes there is.... a lot of icarlys! but soon there going to delete icarly forever cuz she is going to ghave a job shes 17 now and quitting next year i heard from tiger beat magezines!

What website do you look to find the cell phone from icarly?

Its a iPhone but because of Copyright Issue's! They Call it a Pear Phone and Stick a Pear on the Back of it!

What is the iCarly phone number?

iCarly is a show, not a person, therefore it does not have a phone number.No. iCarly is a television series and not a person.WikiAnswer does not give out private information for anyone.

When does iCarly go on air?

it doesn't. it's not an actual web show. on tv? it's on whenever. for new ones? just watch Nick, it has commercials for new icarlys' like 24/7.