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Kids are selfish. They only think its fair if "we have the same or I have better". They need to be trained up right or else they'll turn into little selfcentered brats and beat each other up.

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Q: Idea that children have an innate concept of justice that enables them to make distinctions between fair and unfair rules?
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Professor Schroeder argues that children have an innate concept of justice that enables them to make distinctions between fair and unfair rules This argument is most consistent with the views of?

Professor Schroeder argues that children have an innate concept of justice that enables them to make distinctions between fair and unfair rules. This argument is most consistent with the views of: Plato IS the answer. SOCRATES is NOT the answer. Trust me I just took a test on this and my answer was correct.

Who said that children have an innate concept of justice that enables them to make distinctions between fair and unfair rules?

This kind of argument is based on the ideas of Socrates, a Greek philosopher who was one of the founders of Western Philosophy and who devised the dialectic method of inquiry, which is largely applied to the examination of key moral concepts, like good and justice.

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Between water molecules enables water to form drops and store heat?

Cohesion For plato. the answer is C

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