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too much rain, a hurricane, and drought that causes lots of rain for several days.

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Q: Identify 3 causes of floods in rural and urban areas?
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What are the 3 causes of floods in rural areas?

heavy rainfall, monsoons , soil erosion, cutting of trees are the main causes of floods in rural areas

Causes of floods in rural areas of India?

the reason for the cause of rural flooding in india is because of heavy rainfall,a hurricane and a drought.

Identify 3 causes of floods in rural and urban India?

deforestation which causes soil erosion,global warming which are melting the glaciers,excess of rainfall also causes floods by anantha narayanan please visit of course ur mom

What causes pollution in rural areas?

chemicle fertilizers

What are the causes of rural urban migration in nigeria?

The causes of rural-urban migration in Nigeria are associated to unemployment. People mostly come to urban areas hoping to get employment.

How does Asian monsoon affects countries in Asia?

it can cause huge floods in some areas and will possibly destroy crops in rural areas. Many valley floors will flood and then drain into the low lying areas where the urban areas are situated.

Causes of urbanisation?

Causes of urbanization include rural to urban migration, natural population growth, job opportunities in urban areas, and improved infrastructure and services in cities. This trend is mainly fueled by economic development and industrialization.

What does rural and urban areas contain?

What do urban areas contain? What do rural areas contain ?

Where in North America are rural areas?

Rural areas are places that are not in or near cities.

What is rural rural migration?

is the migration in which people are moving from rural areas to urban areas,which can be temporary or permanent migration

What is rural to rural migration?

is the migration in which people are moving from rural areas to urban areas,which can be temporary or permanent migration

How do people in urban and suburban areas depend on rural communities?

People from urban and rural areas both depend on each other. Rural provides the raw materials to the urban areas and urban areas provide the finished products to the rural areas. For example:- A dweller in the city with a low income might depend on seasonal farm of rural areas and could also take support from people in rural areas to look after his family or children. Also the people in rural areas might support their living from the money that a migrant relative earns in urban areas.