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Air (about 20% oxygen) is inhaled and filtered through the nose. Then it passes through the trachea, bronchi, and the bronchioles. There are only two main bronchi that lead into many bronchioles of decreasing size. The smallest of these open up into sac-like structures in the lungs called the alveoli. The alveoli are surrounded by capillaries, from which the oxygen diffuses into the blood stream and the carbon dioxide diffuses out. Then, the oxygen-depleted, and carbon dioxide-rich, air is exhaled out by the same route, but in the opposite direction.

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12y ago
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11y ago

There is a muscle in the body called the diaphragm which (expands and contracts your lungs), and when your lungs expand, you breath in, and vise versa and the oxygen goes into these small chambers with red blood cells passing by and picking up the oxygen when it comes.

The parts in brackets are incorrect i felt some improvements needed to be made:

The diaphram does not expand and contract you lungs like this person has written that is the air coming into them that expands them and the air leaving them that contracts them.

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8y ago

Idk rite now i was just doing my science homework and just tried looking 4 tha answerr..!!C'mon mannn juss write the answer in already (:<3

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Q: How does air move into and from the lungs?
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What muscles move the air in and out of the lungs?

I think you meant move air into the lungs. The muscle is the diaphragm.

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What of the following describes the functions of lungs?

Lungs Move Oxygen From The Air Into The Blood.

What force cause air to move in an out of the lungs?

inhale:- the air pressure in the lungs decreases and air moves in. exhale:-air pressure in the lungs increases and air moves out.

Which is the movement of the chest that brings air into the lungs and removes waste gases?

When your lungs move to bring in air and remove gases you are breathing.

What causes air to move in and out of your lungs?

the expansion and relaxation of your diaphram.

What causes air to move into and out of a person lungs?

your diafram

What is a frozen diaphragm?

it is the muscle that makes your lungs move so you can get air.

Air is forced into the lungs by the contraction of the?

Actually, air isn't forced into the lungs my the contraction of any muscle, but by the relaxation of the Diaphragm, along with the Intercostalis muscles on the ribs and the smooth muscle on the lungs. When your diaphragm contracts, it pushes air out of your lungs. When it relaxes, air is drawn in to the lungs. The intercostalis muscles also help move the ribs when the lungs move as your breath. There is one set on the ribs and one set in between each rib.Hope this helps!

What does air move through which is part of the digestive system?

the lungs and respiratory system

What are the Muscles beneath lungs that helps air move in and out?

The muscle is known as the diaphragm.

What happen to the lungs when you yarn?

note when we yarn our lungs contract this is proven because our chest move inward as air is release.