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Newton's Three Laws are one law, Conservation of Quaternion Energy!

Conservation of Energy results in Equilibrium Condition of No Force.

1st No force means No Acceleration, No acceleration means no Change in Velocity.

2nd Force = mass times acceleration, F=ma.

3rd Every action has an equal and opposite reaction to make the force sum to zero in Conservation of Energy.

Newton's laws are still valid in that the Principle of Conservation of Energy is valid.

Modifying Newton's mathematics to include vector energy will solve the mystery of "Dark Energy" and red shift.

E = -mGM/r + mcV = -mu/r + mcV = m[-u/r, cV] where mcV is the "Dark Energy'!

mcV is the vector energy of m, m is moving! Newton and others have left out this fact. Dark energy is right before our eyes, but ignored in our Theories.

Including the motion of m, gives the centrifugal force to balance the gravitational centrifugal force, mv2/r = mu/r2.

Force F=[d/dr,Del] m[-u/r, cV] = m[u/r2 - cDel.V, c dV/dr -Del u/r + c DelxV]

F= mcv/r[v/c - cosV, -1V + v/c 1R sinV 1RxV]

Conservation of Energy has the first derivative zero, thus force F =0 and DelxV=0 and sinV=0 and cosV=1.

*Note The vectors must be complanar to sum to zero, R an V are complanar but DelxV is perpendicular to R and V thus DelxV must be zero indicating R and V are parallel to make the vectors sum to zero. This is the basis of Newton's Equal and Opposite( parallel but going in the opposite direction, this is called anti-parallel) statement in the Third Law. Newton had genius Intuition, vectors had not been invented in Newton's time.

0=F= mv/t [v/c - 1, -1V + v/c 1R]

the result then is v/c=1 or v=c and the direction of V is opposite that of R.

The Energy is bounded at the point that velocity of m is the same as the speed of light.

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