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Substances that yield oxygen readily decrease the flammability of combustible material.

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A false statement concerning strong oxidizer materials is that they are not capable of causing fires or explosions on their own. Strong oxidizers can react vigorously with combustible materials, increasing the risk of fire and explosion.

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A material that yields oxygen causing or enhancing the combustion of other materials is classified as?

An oxidizer. Oxidizers provide oxygen to support combustion or enhance the burning of other materials.

A material that yields oxygen causing or enhancing the combustion of other materials is classified as a?

An oxidizing agent.

A material that yiels oxygen causing or enhancing the combustion of other materials is classified as a?


Material that yields oxygen causing or enhancing the combustion of other materials is classified as?

An oxidizer is a material that yields oxygen, causing or enhancing the combustion of other materials. Oxidizers are essential components in fireworks, rocket propellants, and other pyrotechnic devices.

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No, mercury is not an oxidizer. It is a heavy metal element that is liquid at room temperature. Oxidizers are substances that can cause other materials to oxidize, or lose electrons, in a chemical reaction.

When was Oxidizer - album - created?

Oxidizer - album - was created in 2004.

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UVA acts primarly as the oxidizer

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Clorox bleach is an oxidizer because it tends to cause other substances to lose electrons and undergo oxidation reactions.

Is potassium chlorate flammable?

Potassium chlorate is a strong oxidizer and can react violently with combustible materials, making it a fire hazard. It should be handled with caution and stored properly to minimize the risk of fire.

Why has liquid Fluorine never been used as an oxidizer on a launch?

Liquid fluorine is highly reactive, volatile, and dangerous to handle, making it challenging to use as an oxidizer in rocket propulsion systems. Its extreme reactivity with virtually all materials, including metals, poses significant safety risks and technical challenges that outweigh its benefits as an oxidizer. Additionally, alternative oxidizers like liquid oxygen are more widely used due to their proven reliability, storability, and compatibility with conventional materials.

Is Baquacil Shock the same product as Baquacil Shock and Oxidizer?

Yes, "Baquashock", "Baquacil Shock", and "Baquacil Shock and Oxidizer" are all synonymous. Baquacil has been changing the names through the evolution but it's the same product. Most companies are now selling it as "Oxidizer (Shock)" -

Is krypton an oxidizer?

No, it is a reducing agent