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Q: Identify the three main types of volcanic cones and the composition of each?
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The three volcanoes names are Shera, Kibo and Mawenzi

Which mountain in Africa is an extinct volcano with three volcanic cones?

Mount Kilimanjaro which is also the tallest mountain in Africa

What are the names of the peaks on Mount Kilimanjaro?

Mount Kilimanjaro is made up of three volcanoes, named Kibo, Mawenzi, and Shira, according to Wikipedia.

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There are various phenomenon. 3 natural are UV rays, Greenhouse Gases, Volcanic Eruptions.

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How do you classify volcanic rocks?

There are three types of volcanos, shield, cinder, and composite volcanos. Cinder volcanos are the smallest, while shield volcanos are the largest. Composite volcanos are the most dangerous and the most explosive.

What are the names of the major mountain ranges in Africa?

Atlas Mountains, Cedeberg, Swartberg, Drakensberg, Magaliesberg, Kilimanjaro, with its three volcanic cones, Kibo, Mawenzi, and Shira are a few of the mountain ranges in Africa.welcome mountain and centresded mountain

What are three things that can help you identify the color of a star?

Knowing it's temperature, composition (what it's made of), it's wavelengths (which are also affected by temperature, composition, and color), or using a spectroscope and spectrograph, which tells you all of those anyways.

When a person is colorblind do they not have any cones in their eyes?

They are missing one type of cone, not all the of the three types of cones.

What are the kinds of cone volcanoes?

There are three kinds of cone volcanoes shield cones, composite cones, and cinder cones. Shield cones have very fluid lava. They erupt with a quiet lava flow. An example of a shield cone volcano is Mauna Loa. A shield cone is pretty much a little dome that has been flattened. Composite cones have sticky lava and rock bits. They have the most explosive eruptions An example of a composite cone volcano is Vesuvius. Composite cones are steep at the top but gentle at the bottom. Cinder cones have cinders. They have explosive eruptions An example is Paricutin. A cinder cone is very steep.

Which three-dimensional figures have circular bases?

Cones, cylinders.

What 2 types of volcanoes are there?

There are three. From smallest to largest, they are: Cinder Cones, Composite Volcanoes (also called Strata Volcanoes), and then Shield Volcanoes.