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Q: Identify three composers that have used Ground Bass?
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What composers use ground bass?

This is a very broad question to answer simply. It can only be answered with a very long and detailed summary, which I will not attempt here. Rather I will say that ground bass originated in 13th Century French motet writing, and could be found later commonly in baroque settings. Some examples of composers commonly putting ground bass to practice are Monteverdi, Purcell, and J.S. Bach.

Who are ground base composers?

Ground BASS** (not base) was largely a Baroque affect, although, life many other Baroque affects, has had, at some point, a comeback. Henry Purcell was a notable ground bass composer.

When did composers use ground bass?

Ground bass was most commonly used in the Baroque period (1600-1750) but has been used in many modern songs too. One of the most famous examples is Pachelbel'sCanon in D.

A short phrase repeated over and over in the bass is called?

Ground bass is the repeated melody in the bass that supports the melodies above it.

Is double bass a concept behind Baroque music?

Do you mean ground bass? Ground bass is a short, recurring melodic pattern in the bass part of a composition that serves as the principal structural element. Whereas an ostinato pattern might be very short, a ground bass can last many bars before it is repeated. A ground bass is a feature of Baroque mustic.

What is a ground bass?

ground bass is a short bass line which is repeated constantly throughout a piece.

Who plays ground bass?

Ground bass, also called basso ostinato or "obstinate bass," is a recurring, melodic bass pattern that provides a foundation for the rest of the musical piece. This part is generally played by a bass instrument with a lower pitch range, most often a bass, electric bass, double bass or a keyboard instrument such as a piano, organ or synthesizer. Ground bass in a choral piece would be sung by the bass and/or baritone voice parts. Bass horns and woodwinds also exist, and sometimes the ground bass may simply be played on the lower notes of a mid-range instrument, such as a guitar. It depends on the arrangement and style of each particular piece.

What is the definition of bass?

Ground Bass A melodic phrase used repeatedly as a bass line. In its earlier form, developed in the 13th and 14th cent., the ground or basso ostinato [Ital.=obstinate] never varied in harmonization or pitch.

When was ground bass invented?

Type your answer here...1600

How can one identify bass guitars?

Bass guitars are similar in appearance to electric guitars. It has a longer neck and can have four to eight strings. The most common bass guitar has four strings.

What is a popular piece of music with ground bass?

In correlation with basso continuo and higher melodies to create harmonies

What Techniques used in canon in d?

Ground bass and idea development