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Most mollusks have a closed circulatory system. However, cephalopods have an open circulatory system.

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Q: Identify which type of circulatory system that a cephalopod develops?
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What type of circulatory system does cephalopod have?

They have a closed circulatory system.

Wha type of circulatory system does a cephalopod have?

never mind i found the answer :D

What parts of the system could you identify?

circulatory system

Identify common disorders of the circulatory system?

The common disorders of the circulatory system areAngina, Hypertension, and Mitral valve leak.

Identify some problems of the circulatory system?

its oval shaped not circular

Identify and interpret the functions of the circulatory system?

The function of the circulatory system is to distribute blood throughout the body. Through the circulatory system, the blood delivers oxygen, nutrients, antibodies, and heat to all areas of the body.

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HIV infects the circulatory system (is carried in the blood and other bodily fluids). It weakens the immune system when the person develops full blown AIDS (as a result of contracting the HIV virus).

How is a cephalopods way of moving different from that of most mollusks?

Cephalopods are the only mollusks with a closed circulatory system. They have two gill hearts (also known as branchial hearts) that move blood through the capillaries of the gills. A single systemic heart then pumps the oxygenated blood through the rest of the body. Like most molluscs, cephalopods use hemocyanin, rather than hemoglobin to transport oxygen

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closed circulatory system (double circulatory system)

How are the circulatory system and the circulatory system related?

They're both the circulatory system.

What was William Harvey's greatest achievement?

William Harvey was the first to identify the full and comprehensive extent of the circulatory system, its closed nature and that the heart was the sole responsible circulatory organ.

Do amphibians have an open circulatory system or a closed circulatory system?

Amphibians have closed circulatory system Closed