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Q: If 2 more students took the math test and both made a score of 80 what would the picture graph look like?
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The type of graph you would use would be a PICTURE GRAPH or a TALLY CHART

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bar or pie graph

What information goes on a line graph?

It depends on what the graph is about. For example, if you were making a graph about how many students in each class, you would put the classes on the bottom, or x axis, and the amounts of students on the side, or y axis.

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i would put different colors on the graph or i will put the sports on one side and the number of students who like that sport on the graph

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A double bar graph would tell us.

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This would use a bar graph.

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Anyone of them is fine. It doesn't really matter.

What is the difference between a pictograph and a picture graph?

pictograph is a visual representation of numeric data; all the quantity would be represented in this graph. where as a picturegraph is a graph showing comparision of quantities with the help of a picture for ex. bar chart, pie etc.

What is 175 percent as a pie graph?

175% would be a pie graph and then 3/4 of another one. See the related link, "175% pie graph" for a picture.

What graph would you use for results of a survey of students' favorite activities?

basketball and football