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it will lead to inaccurate results

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Q: If Fibrin clot forms in serum layer of blood specimen?
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When anticoagulated blood is centrifuged what primarily forms the Buffy coat layer?

white blood cells and platelets

What layer from the atmosphere forms lons?

The layer that forms ions is ionosphere. It is a charged layer.

Is blood clots in brain occurs due to high bp?

Hypertension is a disease of blood tubes, called vessels,. They cause inner layer of blood vessel damage. These ulcers cause , sludging of blood flow, and the lnormal laminated flow of blood called Haemorheology gets affected. In this process, wHITE BLOOD CELLS, gets deposited in these ulcers, in the mesh of fibrin thread, which forms and hearlds the clot formation. Most of them are atheromatous ulcers, supported or promoted by hypertension. Apart from this, hypertension results in hemorrhage also inside the brain due to rupture of the vessels.

What forms a protective layer of gas in the stratosphere?

The ozone forms a protective layer. It is present as ozone layer.

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What forms the bulk of the heavily pigmented vascular layer?

The choroid forms the bulk of the heavily pigmented vascular layer.

Why do the back of your hands bruise?

It bruises because it has a thin layer of skin and it is easy for the blood vestals to break or get a split in them so a bruise forms.

Which layer forms iris?

The vascular pigmented layer in the middle.

The stratospheric ozone layer forms at what altitude?

The stratospheric ozone layer forms at high altitude. It is 25 km.

If a thread layers are colored what layer will come into focus first?

Each thread layer comes into focus separately because the specimen is three-dimensional (it has thickness). By moving the fine adjustment knob back and forth, the layers of the specimen will come in and out of focus.

What is the layer of rock that forms earth's outer layer?

This is known as the crust.

What meningeal layer forms the periosteum of the skull?

its the dura mater, the layer is called the periosteal layer.