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I think the correct response to your question is more in the area of human behavior and psychology than one of religious thought.

Consider that no one likes to be told he is wrong, or to have his beliefs questioned. It is an attack, and no one likes to be attacked. Religious belief is just that, belief. All of our spiritual beliefs are supported by faith, and the strength of our faith. There is little evidence, in the strictest sense of evidence, that one can use to prove what one believes. We can support our beliefs by how we argue, by how we phrase our thoughts, but little else exists to help anyone support anything of a religious nature.

The other part of your question, more accurately the first part, is argumentative in itself. "If god exists...[sic]" implies that God either does or does not exist. If a person of faith is approached with this type of question, it will automatically put him of the defensive. What this is, really, is a two part, almost totally unconnected question. One could easily ask, "Does God really exist? And, why do people dislike discussing their religious beliefs?" See the non sequitur?

Whether God exists or not is a question that can only be denied, debated, or accepted by faith. The evidence, for lack of a better word, we see around us is the only guide we have. The reason why people dislike discussing their personal spiritual beliefs, could be more because no one likes to rise from his seat if he isn't certain whether or not he can actually stand. (pardon the metaphor). :)

Perhaps, if the suggestion is that people who believe in God should be more sure of their s, and thus less defensive, there is something to be commented on. It is also true that many people who believe in God do not know how to 'give an for the hope that is in you', as they certainly ought. This may account for their reluctance to enter into 'arguments, debates and questions,' since they don't have an as they could or should.

On the other hand, it may also be true that people don't see any point in entering into such a situation when the person concerned already may have exhibited an unreasonable bias against something they don't understand and so are not amenable to any evidence or any information or understanding which may be provided. Such people stand ready to deliberately misquote the scriptures and deny and actual evidence which supports the accuracy of Bible history, even though much of it is in the museums of the world for all to see.

In particular, these people have already decided that God does not exist and are setting up straw-men positions which no person who believes in God holds, in order to discredit them. They are thus 'boxing the air' or as one great archaeologist put it, their position is 'in der luft', which is German for 'in the air' meaning that it does not correspond with reality.

People who believe in God do not mind genuine questions at all. There is ample evidence of this being so. But they do take seriously the consequences for the person concerned of a deliberate denial or rejection of God, without due consideration of the facts.

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Q: If God exists then why do so many religious people hate to have arguments debates or questions about their religion?
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