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It could of, but the Nazis still might of endured it.

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Q: If Hitler was assinated would it have helped prevent the war?
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There were hundreds of people who helped Hitler in killing the Jews, from party officials to the people working in the concentration and extermination camps, so it would be too many to name them all, and practically impossible.

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Chamberlain was the father of the "appeasement policy" of the mid to late 1930's in Europe. He felt that by "giving in" to Hitler's territorial demands he would prevent a larger war from starting in Europe. Of course the reality was that by giving in to Hitler time and time again......he only embolden Hitler into believing that Britian would not stand by Poland if Hitler invaded....leading directly to World War II

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Both, Hitler calculated correctly that France & Britain would not interfere. France & Britain had lost their joint resolve to prevent this action. Eventually any German leader would have forced the French & British to back-down on the demilitarization of the Rhineland. However, Hitler did this unilaterally & in a surprise action without negotiating with the French or British. This is an early indicator of the methods that Hitler will use in the future.

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Hitler's worst move was when he killed all the Jews, he was possessed by Satan, at least that s what I believe. He killed the Jews because he hated them, but it was prophesied that the Jews would be persecuted.

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How popular is Hitler?

:( HITLER IS NOT POPULAR!!!! you would not be asking that question if you were a Jew would you?

How did Adolf Hitler get powerful?

In 1933 Hitler was elected as Reich's Chancellor because he promised that he would fight the Versailles Treaty which had crippled Germany economically and that he would prevent the communists from gaining a majority of seats in parliament. Then, through careful maneuvering, promises, threats (some acted on by his brown-shirts) , Hitler was able to assume the title of Fuehrer, giving him supreme command of Germany's government.

Did Hitler really have a Jewish relative?

YEs he did have relatives if you think about it he would not have ben here if he didnt

What did the US have to do with Adolf Hitler?

Because Hitler was hoping that Japan would honor it's portion of the Tripartite Pact by attacking Russia's (Soviet Union) Eastern Flank; Hitler DECLARED WAR on the US on 11 December 1941, calculating that if he helped Japan fight the USA, they'd help him fight the USSR.