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Q: If I am able to write or draw with my left hand but use right hand for other things like throwing lifting weights etc does that make me ambidextrous?
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Is lifting weights bad?

No. This is one of the things that is commonly misunderstood about lifting heavy weights. Lifting weights is not bad. There are people that squat four times their body weight and they have never been injured badly. If you do exercises with proper form, you will be able to gain muscle without injuring yourself.

If you lift weights and you impress girls does this mean they like you?

Just because you can impress a girl by lifting weights does not mean that she likes you or wants to date you. You probably just impressed her but other things about you might discourage her from liking you.

What things are pumped in a gym?

nothing is really pumped, the phrase "pumping some iron" refers to the continuous motion of lifting weights that resembles pumping

How do robots help engineers?

Robots help engineers by lifting heavy weights or substances. Robots also help in construction or design of certain delicate things.

What percentage of people are ambidextrous?

3%, ambidextrous: One whom is able to write, bat, throw, etc. with both hands and find it SIMPLE (most people say that they can but only when you can do these things easily is when you are truly ambidextrous

How can you weigh things without equipment?

You can estimate the weight of things by lifting them with your hands, and you can compare it with standard weights - which weighs less - if you think that counts as "not using equipment". However, don't expect a great precision from this method.

How do you be stronger than you were before?

Excersize. :) Lift heavy things repeatedly, which will break muscle fiber down and allow your body to produce stronger muscles upon repair. Lifting heavier weights with less repetitions is more productive than lighter weights with more repetitions

What are worth thinking about when buying bench weights?

There are many things that are worth thinking about when buying bench weights. Examples of things that are worth thinking about when buying bench weights includes the size of the weights, the weight of the weights, and the price of the weights.

What is the difference between the terms power lifting and weight lifting?

Weight training is the science of using weights (or another form of external resistance) in order to train your body to perform a certain task with better ease, efficiency, or technique. This broad category includes simple ankle weights worn while jogging, all the way up to half-ton leg presses. Weight lifting (i.e. bodybuilding) is a subset of weight training. It specifically identifies the discipline of weight training for the purpose of building larger, stronger, or more well-defined muscles. This is in contrast to weight training, which includes those things, plus weight loss, balance, flexibility, and certain athletic skills.

You have low blood pressure does workout cause any harm?

You could pass out from oxygen not getting to muscles and things fast enough, if you're lifting weights, this could be very dangerous as you could dropp the weight and kill yourself.

Can lifting things cause injures?

Yes, if lifted the wrong way or if the things are too heavy. There are different ways for men and women to go about lifting things, as well.

Do you have to write with both hands to be ambidextrous?

No, be ambidextrous means being able to write with either hand equally well. Some people write with one hand and perform other tasks with the other without being fully ambidextrous.