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A doctor, who has made the bipolar diagnosis, would usually prescribe medication which would deal with the highs and lows typical of the condition. An example of this would be lithium carbonate. So a sufferer would not necessarily be prescribed just an antidepressant.

Moreover, most type 1 Bipolar patients are not treated by use of a single drug. Generally a cocktail of a mood stabilizer, anti-depressant and anti-psychotic are indicated.

Furthermore, SSRI class anti-depressants (Prozsac for example) are generally counter-indicated in the treatment of Bipolar patients as they can trigger manias.

It is important to go and get the correct diagnosis, in order to be on the right medication for you. There are many excellent examples of medication available now, which can give a bipolar sufferer a much more stable life.

If you are bipolar, you would need treatment for this debilitating illness. But you could be suffering from something else. Better to get checked out as soon as possible.

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Q: If I am bipolar do you have to take a antidepressant?
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