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Jacques-Yves Cousteau recognized that coral reef exoskeletons were composed of calcium carbonate dissolved in CO2 production because of his extensive research in the underwater world.

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Q: If Jacque cousteau recognized that coral reef exoskeletons were composed of calcium carbonate CO2 production then why not marine biologists of 2014?
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If Jacques Cousteau recognized that coral reef exoskeletons were composed of calcium carbonate dissolved CO2 production then why not marine biologists of 2014?

Jacques-Yves Cousteau recognized that coral reef exoskeletons were composed of calcium carbonate dissolved CO2 production, thanks to his research in the underwater world, field not covered by marine biologists.

Do molluscs have exoskeletons of calcium carbonate?

Some mollusks live in shells made of calcium carbonate, but they do not have exoskeletons like insects do.

Why don't marine biologists recognize that a critical component to calcium carbonate shellfish exoskeleton production is dissolved carbon dioxide gas?

The marine biologists do not recognize that a critical component to calcium carbonate shellfish exoskeleton production is dissolved carbon dioxide gas because the component has no scientific or chemical representation.

What are clam and snail exoskeletons made of?

Calcium Carbonate

Does coral have Exoskeletons?

Yes, coral does have exoskeletons made of calcium carbonate. These exoskeletons provide structure and support for the coral polyps, which are tiny organisms that secrete the calcium carbonate to build the coral reefs. Over time, these exoskeletons accumulate and form the large coral reef structures we see in the ocean.

What hard substance is a starfishe's exoskeleton made of?

Starfish actually have ENDOskeletons, not exoskeletons. They are made up of calcium carbonate compounds called ossicles.

Does insects and round worm exhibit calcium carbonate shells?

No, insects and roundworms do not have calcium carbonate shells. Insects have exoskeletons made of chitin, a tough, flexible protein. Roundworms lack a hard outer covering and have a smooth, cylindrical body shape.

What can you use calcium carbonate for?

It is used as a filler in paint production.

How is alkaline carbonate used in uranium production?

Sodium carbonate solution (at a temperature of ca. 100 0C and a high pressure) can be used to dissolve uranium ores after grinding.

What is the skeletal type of a cnidarian?

Some cnidarians - the jellyfish, sea anemones - have a hydro static skeleton. Sea pens use small hard pieces of calcium carbonate called spicules for support, like sponges, and the polyps of corals excrete exoskeletons, also made of calcium carbonate, that support their soft bodies.

What is the difference between sandstone and limestone in terms of where they came from?

Sandstone is made chiefly of quartz or feldspar grains, and limestone of calcium carbonate grains. Sand grains are usually formed by the erosion of older rocks. Calcium carbonate grains may be formed by the evaporation of sea water, or by the deposition of the exoskeletons of sea creatures.

Does a clam have a endoskeleton or exoskeleton?

Starfish have an endoskeleton that consists of calcium carbonite plates. These plates are covered in a thin skin layer, making them endo or under the skin. An exoskeleton would be like that of a crab (an outer shell/ no skin over it). Starfish dont have a backbone.