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John the Baptist was a forerunner sent to announce the coming of the Savior. He was not called to follow Jesus literally but to make Jesus' bride ready for Jesus.

The forerunner in ancient Hebrew wedding customs was the friend of the bride groom, he ran ahead of the bridegroom when the bridegroom's father told him it was ok to go and get his bride, then the forerunner would go ahead of the bridegroom and announce to the bride that her bridegroom was coming, if the forerunner followed the bridegroom then the bride would not be able to make herself ready.

Jesus is our the bridegroom and the church is the bride, God designates certain people to be forerunners and announce the coming of the bridegroom. John didn't follow Jesus because he was called to make the bride (or believers in Jesus) ready or prepared with repentance to receive Jesus.

Jesus talked about new wine in old wineskins, what John did was call people to repentance which made new wineskins for Jesus (the new wine) to be able to be poured into and not burst.

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Q: If John the Baptist acknowledge Jesus as the Son of God then why did John and his followers not follow Jesus but continued with his ministry?
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