

Best Answer

Yes. Capital letters are used for proper nouns, which are specific things with given names, rather than one of several similar but unspecified things. Proper nouns can be used for people (e.g. Richard Nixon), places (e.g. New York City, the Rocky Mountains), and things (e.g. the Statue of Liberty, the Eiffel Tower, the Empire State Building). Capital letters are generally not used for units of measurement named after people (watt, newton).

Another point of view:

No, using capital letters is not what makes 'Statue of Liberty' a proper noun. The compound noun 'Statue of Liberty' is a proper noun because it is the name of a specific thing. A proper noun is the name or title of a specific person, place, or thing.

You can't depend on a capitalized word as always being a proper noun, or that a noun not capitalized must be a common noun because so many people don't stick to the rules. You really need to know a proper noun when you see one, whether its capitalized or not.

For example, BTW is not a noun, it's an acronym. Acronyms are capitalized. Or you may see a big sign on a building that says jiffylube, which is a proper noun but the lower case logo is a trademark of JiffyLube International Inc.

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Q: If Statue of Liberty is in capital letters does that make it a proper noun?
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The possessive form for the proper noun Statue of Liberty is Statue of Liberty's.Example: The Statue of Liberty's dedication ceremony was presided over by President Grover Cleveland.

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Proper nouns begin with capital letters, not smell letters. Capital letters are used to distinguish a proper noun from a common noun, helping identify specific names of people, places, or things. Smell letters do not play a role in grammar rules regarding proper nouns.

What type of noun is the statue of liberty?

The proper noun Statue of Liberty is a concretenoun, a word for a physical thing.It can be confusing because the word liberty is an abstract noun; but in this use, it is part of the whole name for something concrete, the statue.

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They promised to provide a stand and a proper place to locate the statue.

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Yes, Lady Liberty should be capitalized as it is a proper name referring to the Statue of Liberty in New York City.

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all entries following capital letters are proper nouns.

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Does a common noun need a capital letter?

No. Proper nouns (names) use capital letters.

Can a noun with a capital letter be called a proper noun?

yes proper nouns usually start with capital letters like Ram,Ganges etc,

What is the proper nouns for the state of liberty book?

A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, or thing. If you are referring to a book called 'The State of Liberty' or 'The State of Liberty Book', the title of a book is a proper noun, the name of a specific thing. If you are referring to the book that is held in the left hand of the Statue of Liberty, it is not an actual book. It is a tablet inscribed inscribed with the date of the signing of the Declaration of Independence written Roman numerals (July IV, MDCCLXXVI). Note: The compound nouns 'Statue of Liberty' and 'Declaration of Independence' are both proper nouns, the names of specific things. The noun 'July' is a proper noun, the name of a specific month.

How can you classify capital letters?

Capital letters can be classified based on their shape, such as uppercase or majuscule letters. They can also be organized based on their function in sentences, such as the first letter of a proper noun or the start of a sentence. Additionally, capital letters can be categorized by their Unicode character range.

Should you write 'masked ball' with capital letters?

No, because it is not a proper noun.