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Q: If The solubility of baking soda in water at room temperature is 9.30 g 100ml what is the concentration of baking soda in a saturated solution at room temperature?
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If The solubility of baking soda in water at room temperature is 9.30 g 100ml what is the concentration of baking soda in a saturated solution at room temperature Explain answer without doing any calc?

The concentration of baking soda in a saturated solution at room temperature would be 9.30 g per 100 ml, as this is the maximum amount of solute that can dissolve in that amount of solvent at that temperature. The solubility value provided already represents the concentration of the saturated solution.

What is a solution with a concentration above the equilibrium solubility called?

A solution with a concentration above the equilibrium solubility is called supersaturated. This means that the solution contains more solute than it should be able to hold at that given temperature.

What is consturated solution?

A saturated solution is a solution that has reached the maximum amount of solute that can dissolve in it at a given temperature. As the temperature changes, the maximum solubility can also change. When a solution has a concentration higher than the maximum solubility, it is said to be supersaturated.

When solubility increases what can YOU say about the concentration of a saturated solution?


What solution has concentration less than the maximum solubility?

This is a non-saturated solution.

What happens when the temperature of a saturated copper sulphate solution is increased?

When the temperature of a saturated copper sulfate solution is increased, its solubility also increases. This means that more copper sulfate can dissolve in the solution at higher temperatures. However, as the solution cools back down, some of the excess copper sulfate may precipitate out of the solution.

What solution is more concentrated in saturated solution?

A saturated solution that is closer to its solubility limit is more concentrated than one that is further below its solubility limit. This means that a solution with a higher concentration of solute is more concentrated.

What is the amount of solute needed to form a saturated solution?

it is solubility

The amount of solute required to form a saturated solution in a particular amount of solvent is the?

The Concentration

Does ksp change with concentration?

No, the solubility product constant (Ksp) does not change with concentration. It is a constant value that represents the equilibrium between an ionic solid and its ions in a saturated solution at a given temperature.

What (at standard pressure) is the temperature at which saturated solution of NH4Cl has a concentration of 60. g NH4Cl100. g H2O?

The solubility of NH4Cl at 20°C is approximately 74 g/100g water. Therefore, a saturated solution with a concentration of 60 g NH4Cl/100 g H2O would be below the solubility limit at that temperature.

How are solubility and saturated different?

Solubility refers to the ability of a substance to dissolve in a solvent. Saturated, on the other hand, indicates that a solution contains the maximum amount of solute that can be dissolved at a given temperature. A solution is considered saturated when it cannot dissolve any more solute at that temperature.