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No there should be an address on the ticket to mail the fine to if not you could call the dept. in N.C. that gave you the ticket such as N.C DMV or any city or county officer

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Q: If a NY driver received a speeding ticket in NC does he have to go to NC to pay the fine?
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Related questions

What is the fine for a teenager with 2 speeding tickets in Ohio?

The fine for a speeding ticket normally depends on the actual speed, not on the age of the driver or how many other tickets you have.

Will a speeding ticket in Tennessee affect your South Carolina driving license?

A speeding ticket in Tennessee can affect your South Carolina driving license. South Carolina can choose to fine the driver, or suspend their license.

How do you reduce the fine on a speeding ticket?

Get it amended.

I received a speeding ticket in Miami for 220 but I am a UK resident what will happen if I do not pay the speeding fine Is their any consequences?

I think there are consequences and you do have to pay the fine. I'd suggest calling Miami highway patrol and asking.

Can you pay the speeding ticket and not go to court in ca im 14 with no permit or drivers license. i was going 60 in a 40 zone. how much is it going to be?

I'd be more worried about being an unlicensed/underage driver than the fine for speeding. If you are not a legal driver, you will not be able to simply pay the fine and avoid court.

If you get a speeding ticket in another state can you get arrested?

No, you will be subject to the ticket law and fine schedule for that state.

You got a speeding ticket in NM for going 5 miles over the speeding limits what can you do?

Pay the ticket. They probably have a website you can use to pay the fine.

Speeding ticket no radar?

Just pay the fine and don't be such a leadfoot.

How much are cdl truck driver violation tickets in California?

A cdl truck driver that receives a speeding ticket has more to worry about than just the fine. A serious CDL violation such as a 25 over speeding ticket can cost you your job not to mention the increase in your personal car insurance. In general a cdl truck driver should contest any California speeding ticket he receives. Normally you will receive what is known as a courtesy notice from the California traffic court within two to three weeks of the violation. It will tell you how much is the fine. California has some of the highest speeding ticket fines in the nation. The fine can vary from county to county so only the California traffic court can tell you the amount. You must take care of the ticket by your court date even if you do not receive the courtesy notice or they will usually suspend your license and issue a warrant. The traffic court location is on the ticket and you can Google for their phone number. Usually it is difficult to get through on the phone.

How much does a speeding ticket cost in Indiana for a CDL truck driver?

Only the particular court can tell you the amount of the fine. If it is classified as a serious ticket, more than 15 mph over the limit, then it will pay you to retain an attorney and fight the ticket.

Drivers license in Utah speeding ticket in Minnesota?

If a person who is licensed in Utah gets a speeding ticket in Minnesota, and does not want to fight the ticket, they should mail a check for the fine to the address given on the back of the ticket. If the fine is not known, the person can call the phone number on the back of the ticket and ask what the fine is. All of this must be done before the court date given on the ticket.

What happens if a British driver is caught speeding in France?

If a British driver is caught speeding on camera in France, nothing or nearly nothing happens. If the same driver is stopped by the police for speeding, he will be fined on the spot (a fine of 90