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Just pay the fine and don't be such a leadfoot.

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Q: Speeding ticket no radar
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What radar detector will pay for your speeding ticket?

Belltronics used to but i think they stop!

How to Beat a Speeding Ticket on a Road Trip?

During the upcoming months millions of people will go on road trips where they drive to various parts of the country. During their trips most people will inevitably have to decide whether they want to risk a speeding ticket by driving over the speeding limit. Luckily, there are ways that you can beat a speeding ticket while driving. The most effective way to beat a speeding ticket would be to use a radar detector. A radar detector will detect when a police officer is using a radar gun. In the event that a radar gun is being used in your proximity a series of beeps will occur on the device. When this occurs you should speed down to avoid being caught speeding and charged with a speeding ticket.

What do they do if they catch you with a radar detector in Virginia?

You will be subject to a ticket for using a radar detector in Virginia, in addition to penalties that you might receive for speeding.

What happens if you get a photo radar speeding ticket while having a learners permit?

You will still have to pay. Otherwise nothing

Are points assessed for photo radar ticket in tempe AZ?

yes 2 points for red lights 3 points for speeding

You were given a ticket for speeding and upon asking to see the radar the officer states the speed was not locked in how can that prove you were going that speed?

If the speed was not locked in and the officer refused to show you the radar, take the ticket to court. Odds are in your favor that the judge will dismiss your ticket. That answer is incorrect. In no state is there a requirement that the officer show you the radar or even that he lock it in. The officer's testimony is sufficient for a conviction. In fact, in most states all an officer has to testify is that he visually observed you speeding and that is sufficient.

How can you fight radar speeding ticket?

1 drive a really black car 2 drive with other cars 3 dont speed

What is cheaper a moving violation or a speeding ticket?

A speeding ticket IS a moving violation.

If you have a learners permit in California can you get a speeding ticket?

You can get a speeding ticket regardless of what license you have; that doesn't change the fact you were speeding.

If r-55 on a speeding ticket means a radar was used then what does A-55 mean for the method of vehicle speed gathering?

im thinking that would mean approximate

What would happen of you get a ticket for speeding 85mph on 65mph?

depends on the cop if they are nice probably a warning if there ok a ticket if they are rude most likely severe ticket but get a radar detector good ones like 200 hundred never had one ticket and i do ninety on the freeways

Can you cross the border with an unpaid American speeding ticket?

unpaid speeding ticket from oregon