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Either he wants to kiss you or he is gunna have a seizure. either one... probably the first.

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Q: If a boy is talking and he stoptalking and stare into your eyes and his puppil gets bigger what does that mean?
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you would know if you see them stare at u alot and talking. you would also know if they dont like you.

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Well, I'm not sure about love...But a little crush I might be able to help. If you stare into his eyes and his puplis get bigger, than he likes you. If he is talking to his friends and/or his feet/body is turned towards you...Than he likes you.

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don't you hear them talking when they stare at you? I do, just not always sure what they said.

If a boy is talking and he stops talking and stare at your lips what does that mean?

he lykes ur lips and was probably wishing he could kiss them....

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How to tell if a guy likes you just by a stare: 1: He will stare longer than any other person 2: He raises his eyebrows 3: He looks slightly dazed 4: He smiles 5: His eyes look bigger - RomanceGurl