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If hes not comepletely wasted then yea. Or he just wants you for physical pleasure

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Q: If a boy keeps putting things down your top does he fancy you?
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you can use pH up and pH down but it keeps going down and down if you pH is 8.0 its bad. if you have rocks in that are not chalking take a few out and try putting in bogwood it makes it go down to.

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Gravity itself does not slow things down (the Moon still keeps going round the Earth and the Earth still keeps going round the Sun). It's friction that slows things down. I have to say that there is likely to be more friction if there's more gravity but that's a secondary effect.

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the relationship is gravity keeps us down. pressure brings things down or pushes things down. hope this helps

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is putting *********** <P> <P>put, or puts, depending on the person & singular or plural. <P><U>Singular</U> <P>1. I <EM>put </EM>things down <P>2. You <EM>put </EM>things down <P>3. He/She/It <EM>puts </EM>things down <P><U>Plural</U> <P>1. We <EM>put</EM> things down <P>3. They <EM>put </EM>things down</P>

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It would look more charming, and it would not melt as soon.

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the gravity in earth

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