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No, child support doesn't stop. Quitting school does not emancipate a minor.

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Q: If a child drops out of school and is under 18 does child support stop in the state of Alabama?
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Do you have to pay child support on the child if the child drops out of school in the state of Wyoming?

Until the child is 18, yes.

Does child support stop if the child drops out of school at age 18 in Indiana?

see link

Is father obligated to pay child support if child drops from school before 18?

Yes, custodial payments are for the support and care of a child until they are 18.

Do you continue to receive child support in North Carolina if your child quits school?

Child support is paid until the child is at least 18 even if the child quit school or graduate early.

What if a child drops out of school in Florida does support stop?

College? yes. see links

Can you stop paying child support if a child drops out of school in Georgia?

I think u still have to pay since it is still your child

By law do i have to pay child support for my child if she drops out of high school?

Yes. Answer If your child now works full time she is deemed to be self-sufficient so you should not be paying child support.

Does a father still pay child support on his son if he drops out of school at 15 in wyoming?


Does a mother paying child support to a biological father of a seventeen year old living with his grandparents and drops out of high school still have to pay child support?

Can someone answer this question for me?

Does a parent have to pay child support if child drops out of high school at age 16 and is taking GED courses in the state of Kentucky?

Yes child support is paid until the child is 18 and in some states until they are 21.

If your child in Georgia drops out of school no GED do you have to pay child support?

Generally, the obligation ends when the child reaches 18 years of age or the child graduates from high school, whichever occurs later. A child will also automatically be ineligible for child support if that child marries, is removed from disability status by a court order, or the child dies.

Do you have to pay child support if your 15 year old child drops out of school in Florida?

Yes, they must still be supported until they reach the legal age of majority.