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this has to be reported to the authorities at once so they can take precautions against this individual who is a threat to the child.

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Q: If a child taken into the foster system biological parent still is a threat to the child's safety what precautions are taken to keep the child safe?
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Are adoptive parents callef step parents?

No, step parents are parents who live with the other parent, married or not, and who is not your biological parent or foster parent. An adoptive parent is your full parent, just like a biological one. You will inherit them and carry their name.

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Biological children have all legal rights regarding their biological parents that come into operation by law. A foster child would not have any rights at all regarding the foster parents except the right to be properly cared for pursuant to the foster parent status.

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It depends on where you live, but in my experience the answer is no, only with the biological parent(s).

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The foster parents do not have "power of attorney" . They have guardianship. You need to consult with an attorney who can review your situation and explain your rights and options.

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no !

How to verify a child is in foster care system?

If a child has been adopted due to termination of the biological parent(s) rights, you cannot find any public records. If a child is in out-of-home-placement temporaily in a foster setting, the biological parent(s) would know where the child is. So depending on if temporary or permanent fostering is being done would affect the answer

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If you want to see your girlfriend and you get permission from her foster parent then yes of course you can see her you just need the parents permission and her foster parent is her parent.

How is adoption and foster care the same?

They aren't the same. Adoption is becoming the legal parent and foster care means the state is the childs guardian. The state makes all important decisions regarding the child and the foster parents have no rights, the state can just come in and move the child to another foster home for no reason. Adopted children are yours forever.

Can a woman put child in foster care without informing father of birth?

Foster care can be temporary; rights do not have to be given up. Check in with your local agency as to whether the other biological parent must be notified.

What is the difference between a biological and a adoptive parent?

The difference between a biological parent and an adoptive parent is that the biological parent is the one who is related to the child by blood and the adoptive parent is the one that raised the child.

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