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Believe it or not they can! I just saw on TV (Petmiracles) a dog running on only their back feet like a human. The dog was as happy as could be. I have seen many dogswith one or two legs missing and still being a loving and loyal pet while having fun. Also there are some dogs that have a little titanium cart with wheels on the back and they are harnessed in. My vet has a cat called 'Chance' that has this type of cart. A bunch of us got together and raised the money and the only place we could have one made was the U.S. Now Chance races around (little orange flag on top) so you can see him coming. We love him!

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14y ago

With extensive care and training, you could train a one legged dog to run. I dont know how long it would take, but probably you could.

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Q: If a dog had two legs could it run?
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Do pandas have two legs?

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How legs does a dog have?

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HumansA dog, with two missing legsA Kangaroo

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same reason we walk or run on two legs that's the way they were made

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