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Work = Force * Distance Work = Change in Kinetic Energy Symbolically: W = Fd = ΔK Now, since the change in kinetic energy is an interval, then: ΔK = (K_final) - (K_initial) This difference indicates the gain or loss. As such, merely multiply 600N by the distance it travels through.

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Q: If a force of 600N had acted over the same distance what would have been the gain in kinetic energy?
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Does solid have the highest kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy does not depend upon the phase of matter; it depends upon the amount of matter, and the speed with which it is moving. One pound of matter, whether gas, liquid, or solid, moving at a specific speed, has the same kinetic energy.

How do you find force while given kinetic energy and distance?

The work (energy) done on an object is Force x Distance. If there is no friction, and the object started at rest, then this will also be the kinetic energy that the object has. Then the kinetic energy, Ek = F * d, so F = Ek / d

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No, the mind does not possess kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is energy that is created by a force or motion.

How does kinetic energy is delivered to you?

By any source of electrical power moving any object any amount of distance. Because kinetic energy is the ability to move something with a force. So without kinetic energy it would be stored energy called potential energy.

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Kinetic energy is energy of motion. The kinetic energy of an object is the energy it posses because of its motion.

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What is kinetic energy loss?

The braking force x stopping distance (assuming constant braking force) is equal to the loss of kinetic energy of the vehicle.And if it's not constant, you can integrate the dot product of the force vector and the differential x-vector.If you want the power of heat generation, you will need to find how much energy is being dissipated (i.e. how much kinetic energy is lost) per unit of time.

What kind of energy is wind?

Wind energy is kinetic energy, it is created by the force of air in motion.

Does gravitaional force is equal to kinetic energy?

No, force and energy are not the same dimension to start with. Gravitational force on an object is equal to mass*(gravitational acceleration) {dimensions Mass*Length/Time²}Kinetic energy is (1/2)*mass*(velocity)² {dimensions Mass*Length²/Time²}. If you look at these, Force, multiplied by length has the same dimension as Energy. And in fact you have other forms of energy:Work is Force times distance;Potential energy = mass*(gravitational accel)*height = (Force due to gravity)*(height), height is a distance or length.

A net force of 22 N accelerates a 4-kg mass over a distance of 18 m. What is the work done by this net force What is the increase in kinetic energy of the mass?

Work done by a force (W) = Force (F) x distance (m) W = 22 x 18 = 396 Joules According to the law of conservation of Energy, the total energy of a closed system is constant, but can change from one type to another. Therefore, the work given to the object must be converted into the kinetic energy of the object. So, Increase in Kinetic energy = work done = 396 Joules

When a puck falls it potential energy increase or decrease?

Kinetic energy