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If the herpes is in the mouth, then yes it can be transmitted orally.

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Q: If a girl has genital herpes can she give it to a guy oralLy?
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How do you know if you have HSv-1?

Herpes simplex virus 1 is the virus that causes fever blisters and cold sores.Herpes simplex virus ll is the virus that is responsible for genital herpes.There are anti viral medications that you can take to help reduce outbreaks of herpes,(Valtrex) but it is still possible to spread it even when no signs are present.It IS possible to spread HSv-1 by oral sex. If you have a fever blister and preform oral sex on someone, you can give them genital herpes. Just as someone with genital herpes can spread it to you by oral, vaginal or anal sex . Please use protection if you have genital herpes. marlin

You went down on a girl and you have a cold sore but it hasn't broke and it is not like other cold sores which just come up split scab then disappear this is just been a little lump. did i give her?

First off, most cold sores are caused by a Herpes Simplex virus, this is not the same as the virus that causes genital herpes. So, no, you may have given her the Herpes simplex, but it is not the same as what you are worried about. In fact, most of the population is now born with a herpes simplex, it is basically unavoidable.

A homophone that means give permission and orally?

The homophone that means give permission and orally is "allowed" and "aloud."

Is it dangerous to get pregnant after you had herpes?

no, but you will have to have a c-section done if you have an outbreak anytime soon before your pregnancy. They have a shot that they will give you at around 30 something weeks I think it might be 36, to keep you from getting an outbreak if you haven't had one yet during the pregnancy. I am assuming that you are talking about genital herpes.

Can a female with HPV give a male genital warts?

Yes women with HPV give men genital warts.

How easy is it to pass herpes from a cold sore to yourself?

Since it is unlikely that you could put your own mouth to your own genitals, it is unlikely that you can give yourself genital herpes from your own cold sores. The virus is spread by skin-to-skin contact with an infected person, at the location where the virus is active, during a time when they are shedding virus.

Can a dog with herpes give it to humans?


Why you give insulin orally?

You don't give insulin orally ! Insulin needs to be injected into the patient's bloodstream. The acids in the stomach would break down the insulin - rendering it useless.

Can you give a girl a STD if you do it in tha butt?

STD transmission occurs from any type of sex with an infected person including genital, oral, anal, and sex toys.

What is to caress orally?

Well I can give you this much: Oral- Mouth You do the rest.

Can you have herpes type 1 an give it to your baby just by kissing her?

Yes, the common cold sore is a form of herpes.

Is it ok to swallow semen if your partner has herpes?

No. Herpes is a virus and can spread. Most likely you would get cold sores around your mouth. Cold sores are herpes simplex and the same as genial herpes. The person you are having sex with will give you herpes if it is active.