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no, the friend just is giving you advice, he pretty much sees you as another one of his friends, or else he just thinks it's cute that somebody likes his friend, he wants to see you two together

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Q: If a guy's friends know you like him and they keep telling you to ask him out does that mean he likes you?
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Why do my friends keep telling me my best friend likes me when he told me he didn't like anyone?

Maybe he told you he doesn't like anyone because he is not ready to tell you that he likes you. Your friends may know he likes you and he is just too shy to say he likes you. Guys tend to do that.

What if your friends keep on telling you that your crush likes but you don't think he does?

Ask him if he likes u, and if he denies it tell him u have a crush on him and see if he says he likes u.

What does it mean if not only one guy keep looking at you?

maybe one of these guys like you and he is telling his friends to check you out!

This really cute guy you like stares at you alot espically in the hallways and at lunch his friends keep telling you that he likes you and your friends keep telling you that he wants to go out badly..?

go out with him. If u like him. But if u don't like him then don't go out with him. How old is he?

What do you do when you feel you are being used and your friends keep telling you i am your friend how can i tell they are telling the truth?

Tell your friends how you really feel. If both of your BFF keep hanging out with one another and not you then don't be their friends. Or just do the same thing and make them jealous. Hope you guys liked my advise and hope you use it thx bye.

You are 11 years old and you like a guy who is your friend your friends keep saying he likes you and you think they are right but how do you know for sure without asking him?

I am in the same situation as you right now and my friends keep telling me that he likes me but i would say that he normally show it in their body language,he tends to talk to you alot,He will tell you that he likes you, or he will probably give you a present or a gift to show you that he likes you.

What does it mean when a boy that said he doesn't like you but his friends keep telling you that he likes you?

he probably likes you but he is too shy or his friends are jerks and they are lying to you. he probably likes u and also likes some one else so he doesn't know wat to do and jus says tat so do'NT worry he probably does like u

How do you pick out the good guys from the bad?

Trust me, from experience, go for the guys you have that are friends.The "friend zone" causes depression from both you and the guys, if you go for one of your male friends that you know likes you, then he will be a great boyfriend, because he wants to keep you as a friend at least, but he will want to keep you happy forever now too!

Is it some weird way guys have to ask girls out to keep telling that girl that he needs a girlfriend even if the girl tries to change the subject?

How many guys have you had like that then? Some how I don't think he's asking you out more telling you he fancies you, either that or he fancies your friend (do you have hot friends?). Usually if a guys talk about girls to a girl then he wants the 411 on the girls you know.

How do you say no to a guy that likes you when you don't like him?

Just keep telling him no. When you finally get sick of him bothering you might try asking one of his friends to tell him you just do not like him and that there is another girl for him out there.

Why do people keep telling me to get rid of my partner?

People dont want you guys together.

Does he like you if you keep getting together but never talk about it?

chances are he likes what he gets out of it and that's it,but sometimes guys can be very shy at younger ages,if he doesn't want to be seen in public around you or around his friends with you then no,if he likes taking you around friends/family and being with you in public he is probably just very uncomfortable talking about things HES SHY