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yes unless he had cheated on the previous girlfriend with the current one.

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Q: If a guy just came out of a relationship which had been rocky for about six months would going straight into another relationship always mean he was on the rebound?
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How do you end a relationship whereby you loved each other so much but love faded because of someone else?

You have to be honest, straight forward, polite and empathetic. Just a word of advice though try not to jump into another relationship right away as the saying goes "The grass isn't always greener..." and you may not be able to go back as you have hurt that person leaving them for another.

How long do rebounds last?

It all really depends my friend.Mostly on the girl and the guy the rebound is for.If you are the rebound you really have to be careful!Ask the girl constantly why she got with you and tell her to pinky promise(It really works in most situations).If u want a general answer, they dont last very long at all im afraid.I've been through these many times and they always go back to the same guy.If you are REALLY sure that you are the rebound you can always say no and scold her for you being the rebound guy.

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A relationship that occurs when variable quantities are directly proportional to one another. A linear relationship can be represented on a graph as a STRAIGHT LINE. Linear relationships always follow the formula: y=mx+b where y is the value of the y-coordinate, where my is the slope of the line, where x is the value of the x-coordinate, and b is the y-intercept

Why is rebound important?

Well are you talking about rebounding in basketball? Because if so...oh my gosh. Basketball season just ended for me and we played tough for rebounding. Just think about it...if you didn't rebound the ball and the opposing team didn't make the shot you can always stop them from making another one. You gotta be tough! That's one of the biggest things in basketball.

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being trustful with one another and never cheating on some one is always good just remember be yourself

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It always has straight sides.

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A straight line shows direct proportion. That means that equal changes in the independent variable always produce the same change in the dependent variable.

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Casual dating is reliable in the sense that it will always be there. However, it can vary from relationship to relationship. For example, one partner may be overly committed, while another may be in fact, too loose with the relationship.

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If you are in a relationship, then you disregard the other person who likes you. Loyalty is always better in the long run. Also, you should realize that the grass is not always greener on the other side. If you are available later, then perhaps you return the "like."

Will it be difficult to have a bi-sexual boyfriend?

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Because it is a linear relationship between x and y, this gain ratio is the same everywhere along the line. This is the most common way to represent a straight line because readers can easily obtain two basis of a straight line, namely slope (m) and y-intercept (c).

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Trust is really important in long distance relationships. Also another way to "protect" a long distance relationship is to make sure that your partner knows that if he/she really needs to talk, like when their upset, that they will always have you to talk to. And that you will always have time for them.