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well, it depends as to whether you like being talked ABOUT. if you hate it when the guy talks about you, just ignore him and comments, and he'll eventually 'buzz off'. if for any reason you like this guy then you are either in one of these sitiations:

1. the guy is unapproachable

2. the guy is approachable, but too much of a friend.

well for option 1, the guy is too proud or scared to make the first move. so just approach the guy, and do something that does not seem that much of an approach. for instance, borrow a pen offer him a candy bar, greet him in the morning, complement his shirt or shoes, ect.

for option 2, it may take a long time for guy to become your boyfriend. if you are really persisitant, then good luck. but flirting with the guy cause it'll lead to a deeper level freindship or he'll 'score a credit' if you NAH WAT'M SA'YN'.

it seems as though I've lost my game. I'll have to refer back t my book entiled, 'how to be a playa' wrtten by Mr.17 of DANGER PLAYAS CLUB. will get back to you shortly.


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