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Discussing the cost of a kilowatt is nonsensical. If you want to discuss the cost of a unit of electrical energy, Kilowatt-hour makes sense.

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1mo ago

0.3 kilowatts would cost 6 cents. This can be calculated by multiplying 0.3 kW by the cost per kilowatt, which is 20 cents. 0.3 kW * $0.20 = $0.06.

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Q: If a kilowatt costs 20 cents what does 0.3 kilowatts cost?
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How much does it cost to run a 1000 watt light bulb in 12 hours?

To calculate the cost of running a 1000 watt light bulb for 12 hours, first convert the wattage to kilowatts (1000 watts = 1 kilowatt). Then, multiply the kilowatts (1) by the hours (12) to get 12 kilowatt-hours (kWh). Finally, multiply the kWh by the cost of electricity per kWh in your area to find the total cost.

How much will it cost to run a 100 watt light bulb for one hour if electricity costs ten cents per kilowatt hour?

Running a 100 watt light bulb for one hour would use 0.1 kilowatt-hour (100 watts = 0.1 kilowatts) of electricity. At a cost of ten cents per kilowatt-hour, it would cost one cent to run the 100 watt light bulb for one hour.

How much would 310 watts of power cost at 120 volts?

To find the cost of using 310 watts of power at 120 volts, you need to know the cost of electricity per kilowatt-hour. Divide the wattage by 1000 to convert it to kilowatts (310 watts = 0.31 kW). Multiply the kilowatts by the number of hours used to get the total kilowatt-hours, then multiply by the cost per kilowatt-hour to get the total cost.

What is the formula for computing electric consumption cost if we are given the wattage no. of hours of usage and cost per kilowatthour?

First, divide watts by 1000 to get kilowatts: watts / 1000 = kW Then multiply kilowatts by the hours of usage to get kilowatt-hours kW * hours = kWh Finally, multiply kilowatt-hours by the cost per: kWh * (cost per kWh) = cost to operate

How many kilowatts used average apartment per day?

The average apartment in the US uses about 30 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per day. This can vary depending on factors such as size, location, and energy efficiency of appliances.

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What is the cost of maintaining a hydroelectric dam?

It costs about 0.7 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh) of electricity

How much does it cost to run a 1000 watt light bulb in 12 hours?

To calculate the cost of running a 1000 watt light bulb for 12 hours, first convert the wattage to kilowatts (1000 watts = 1 kilowatt). Then, multiply the kilowatts (1) by the hours (12) to get 12 kilowatt-hours (kWh). Finally, multiply the kWh by the cost of electricity per kWh in your area to find the total cost.

Why can't i find out the simple answer to the cost per kilowatt?

Because electricity is no sold in kilowatts, it is sold in kilowatt hours.

How much would 1.38 kilowatts per hour cost?

Find out from your latest bill from your electricity supplier how much you are paying for a kilowatt-hour. Multiply that charge by 1.38, so if the charge is 20 cents then 20 x 1.38 = 27.6 cents.

How much will it cost to run a 100 watt light bulb for one hour if electricity costs ten cents per kilowatt hour?

Running a 100 watt light bulb for one hour would use 0.1 kilowatt-hour (100 watts = 0.1 kilowatts) of electricity. At a cost of ten cents per kilowatt-hour, it would cost one cent to run the 100 watt light bulb for one hour.

How much does it cost to run a 100 watt bulb per hour?

That bulb is 100 watts or 0.1 kilowatts so it uses 0.1 kilowatt-hour of energy each hour, which costs about £0.015

How much would 310 watts of power cost at 120 volts?

To find the cost of using 310 watts of power at 120 volts, you need to know the cost of electricity per kilowatt-hour. Divide the wattage by 1000 to convert it to kilowatts (310 watts = 0.31 kW). Multiply the kilowatts by the number of hours used to get the total kilowatt-hours, then multiply by the cost per kilowatt-hour to get the total cost.

How much does it cost to run a 70watt light bulb for 1 hour?

Assuming an electricity rate of $0.12 per kilowatt-hour, running a 70-watt light bulb for 1 hour would cost $0.0084 or 0.84 cents. This calculation is done by converting watts to kilowatts (70W = 0.07 kW) and then multiplying by the cost per kilowatt-hour.

What would be the cost of operating 60 1000watt Metal Halide lamps for 10 hr?

To find out the cost of operating 60 1000watt Metal Halide lamps for 10 hours, you multiply the amount of power (in kilowatts) by time and hours. That will give you kWh (kilowatt hours), then you find out how much your power costs in $/kWh, then divide the kilowatt hours you are using by the cost ($/kWh).

What is the formula for computing electric consumption cost if we are given the wattage no. of hours of usage and cost per kilowatthour?

First, divide watts by 1000 to get kilowatts: watts / 1000 = kW Then multiply kilowatts by the hours of usage to get kilowatt-hours kW * hours = kWh Finally, multiply kilowatt-hours by the cost per: kWh * (cost per kWh) = cost to operate

What is the average cost per kilowatt hour for electricity in the San Francisco CA area?

22.8 cents per Kilowatt hour. The national average is about 12 cents.

How does the cost of Solar Thermal Electric Power compare with photovoltaic electricity and conventional electric power?

Conventionally generated electricity ranges between 5 and 18 cents per kilowatt hour (the amount of money to get a kilowatt of power for an hour) but in most places it's below 10 cents, according to the Energy Information Agency. Solar thermal costs around 15 to 17 cents a kilowatt hour, according to statistics from Schott, a German company that makes solar thermal equipment. Solar photovoltaics cost around 20-50 cents per kilowatt hour, according to Solarbuzz.