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Are you thinking that promiscuous irresponsibility provides some kind of legal immunity? Yes, he is obligated. Whether he is able is another question.

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Q: If a man fathers 10 children from 10 different women is he still obligated to pay child support?
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Who is eligible for child support?

This is interpretive as even sole custody fathers can be obligated to pay.

What is the number of teenage fathers who support their children past one year?

There is a great number of teenage fathers who support their children past one year. It is estimated that about half of these fathers fall into this category.

Can your exhusband sue you for money he has given your adult children after the divorce?

No. If he chose to give your adult children money, then that was his decision and you are not obligated to reimburse him for any of it. And to take it a bit further, even if the children were still minor after the divorce and he chose to give them money, you would not be obligated to reimburse him for that, either. Child support money goes to the custodial parent for support of the children, not directly to the children.

Is a father legally obligated to pay for child support all the way through college?

It depends on the laws of the specific jurisdiction, but in many cases, parents are only legally obligated to pay child support until the child reaches the age of majority, which is typically 18. Some jurisdictions may require child support to continue while the child is still a dependent, such as through college, but this varies.

Are you obligated to pay child support before a divorce is drawn up?

Only if you love your children and/or wish them to be supported, deadbeat.

There are two age of majority children and the recipient spouse of child support is moving to another country without the children what is the impact to child support?

If by your state laws, you are obligated to pay beyond high school, than you can request that your payments go directly to the children, PLUS file a motion that the amount the residential parent was obligated to spend on the children, also be sent to them. In a Missouri case, when the child took up residence with her boyfriend, while away at college, and was no longer living with the mother, the mother was obligated to pay her part, based on the child support guidelines, to the daughter. The mother lost on appeal. It was her belief that only the father should be obligated. With two child support payments, the daughter was getting $1800 a month for living expenses.See related link below

Who is obligated to pay child support after getting divorced?

Depends who has custody of the children as well as employment let alone the laws where you reside.

In Texas if the mother has custody of the children and goes to prison does the father still have to pay child support?

Yes, if the father is not given custody he will be obligated to keep paying support to whomever the court awards custody or guardianship of the children.

In Arizona is the new spouse responsible for your child support?

Only biological or adoptive parents are responsible for supporting their minor children. "New" spouses are not legally obligated to financially support children of their mate's previous relationship(s).

Does a 17 yr old father have to pay child support in California?

Yes even minor parents are obligated to support their children. Who else would do it? The grandparents have no obligation to do so.

Is the significant others income included in child support?

No. Only biological parents are responsible for the support and care of their minor child/children. However, a non obligated SO or spouse might be financially affected by child support arrearages and/or obligations. That is why it is advisable for a non obligated person to keep his or her funds in a separate account.

If you give temporary coustody of your son to his fathers parents so you can finnish school will you have a problem getting him back if they decide they want him to stay because they got attached?

Yes, as with anyone taking the child. Will you be paying child support, or do you think mothers are not equally obligated as fathers?